Happily filled with contradictions, tall, dark and handsome Bram lives a mysterious life in Antwerp that is very different from his conservative, religious upbringing. By day he is the dutiful son and brother, but by night... more » he is a casual drug dealer partying around town and hanging out with the very cute Kevin. Rumors fly around the neighborhood that Bram s inclinations so his father lays down the law that his eldest son needs to be a role model for his younger brother Furkant whose a hoodlum turned Islamic Fundamentalist. Subsequently Bram flies off to Turkey to meet his future wife who happens to be his cousin, but not without bringing his newfound friend with him. The platonic friendship with Kevin rapidly turns to a seductive love affair that will shake up everyone s old-fashioned values! At the center of Mixed Kebab, director Guy Lee Thys paints a vastly rich picture of how race and class affect a simple thing like love in today s society and that courage and tolerance ultimately triumphs over all.« less