Very good movie
roger siskel | new york | 09/14/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Really shows Adam Brody can act.Other acting was really good too.It was both serious and had funny parts.I cried at the end.
was very well done.gave me a better idea of what viet nam is like now, and what my parents were dealing with back in the 60s.
I would defenitely recommend this to most."
Excellent Film!
Nicole | New Jersey | 11/23/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I saw the Missing Brendan DVD and Adam Brodyís acting was excellent, very different than what you would think. He falls in love with this girl while his family is looking for his missing brother from Vietnam. It was a very touching story."
Almost a Family Film.
CelticWomanFanPiano | 05/30/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie could almost be in the family film genre, were it not for the needless cussing present in the movie. It is unfortunate that the writers included that because it really had potential. The story focuses on a family, the male members anyway, getting together to search for the missing body of the brother who was killed in Vietnam. The Father is at death's door. The one brother is a decorated war hero who is still fighting his demons. The other brother is well-to-do but somewhat scoffed at by the family due to his staying out the war in Canada. And then there is the young son of the war hero who is trying to experience things. All in all, the story line had lots of potential. We learn a lot about what families go through to find their kin in Vietnam. And we learn a lot about searching techniques. It is worth the while, although, I was disappointed in the language."