Good commando action.
Rob | 08/02/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Missing in Action" is the originator of all 80's military action movies. Chuck Norris, as burned-out Vietnam vet James Braddock, lives a tormented life knowing there are American troops still being held captive in Vietnam. Somehow he hitches a ride to Vietnam to meet with the Vietnamese General about POW's. Then he sneaks away, meets up with his old war buddy Tuck, and proceeds to equip himself and start to blow things up. Yes, it's mindless, but it's miles ahead of "Sense and Sensibility." For a full Norris experience, watch this movie, then "Missing in Action 2" and then "Delta Force." You'll be a better person afterwards."
G.I. Joe with Kung-Fu Grip!
Rob | Texas | 11/12/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Let's get this straight: This ain't Shakespeare! This is sheer escapism for those of us who believe the NVA body count was not high enough. I've been rediscovering Chuck Norris movies lately (because they're cheap in the Blockbuster clearance bin) and I'm having a lot of fun. They're pure '80's schlock, but it's fun schlock, and delivers some no-nonsense commentary on the every-day guy (okay-Superevery-day guy) vs. the system.
Missing in Action has plenty of implausible action, but it sets up and sustains the tension very well. I spent quite a bit of the movie urging Braddick to "go,go GO!" from the edge of my seat. One thing it shares, unfortunately with some of the REALLY cheap knock-offs of the Rambo era is the length of the actor's hair. I know its the early '80's, but come on! Get a haircut for the flashback scenes! Somehow I can handle ONE guy killing an entire NVA battalion, but the hair-its GOT to be correct or its just not believable. True, I could nitpick this movie further, like when Braddick puts on a BLACK outfit to climb down a WHITE building so the guards don't see him, but let's look at the overall picture here: It delivers a good fantasy. Norris is at his peak as an action star and its a blast watching him kick, stab, and shoot his way through Vietnam. Put beer in hand, recline Lay-Z-Boy and enjoy!"
After Hurricane Chuck ravaged Southeast Asia not even a sing
Sid the Elf | North Pole | 01/07/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The reason for crisis in Southeast Asia was not due to economic, social, or political issues. It was not due to war or famine. It also did not start in the 60's as historians have stated. It started in 1984 when a massive natural disaster descended upon the region and movie theaters around the world. That disaster's name: John Braddock, played by the only one man force of nature: Chuck Norris. We, Sid the Elf, have said it before and we will say it again, Chuck Norris is a wrecking machine. The one theme in Missing in Action, as always, is don't (explitive deleated) with Chuck!
Missing in Action was Norris's signature film, and rightfully so. This film did not let up for one second, and Chuck the Tornado destroyed everything in its path for a solid 100 minutes. The opening credits rolled, and the explosions ensued endlessly. They even gave us the obigitory 'nam flashback to show you that Chuck was a little mental and he would probably be doling out the revenge on the Vietmineese for the duration. And since it's Chuck and all, he didn't disapoint. By Sid's count, he put down over 100 enemies. The first notch on Norris's bullet belt was not the one, the only Mr. Chan, the relentless manhunter from the ultimate classic Death Ring. It was in fact, none other than the immortal Jeff Wong, Casandra's dad from Wayne's World 2. Unfortunately, however, Chuck did not take him down in the same manner Wayne Campbell did. Instead Chuck showed his first flash of athletic greatness, flinging a knife 10 yards across the room right into Jeff's chest for his first completion of the day. Norris would be 3 for 3 for the film, with a perfect 100% kill rate. Proving that he can do anything, including becoming an NFL quaterback if his ledgendary film career sputtered.
In a slight breach of B etiquite, Chuck faced off against the main villian in the middle of the film. But the showdown didn't disappoint. Chuck made film history by shoving an ax head into the chest of his nemesis after Norris chopped the handle clear off. And you wonder why this guy has never met a butt he could't kick? But, don't let that suggest that it was not the typical action unintentional comedy. There were enough explosions to keep Sid entertained which is no small feat, plenty of sweet weapons, a funny token fat guy(the awesome diving coach from Back To School (Extra-Curricular Edition)), and a ton of Chuck's signature tough lines. In fact, to prove to you that this one was definately a regular Sid pick, and totally worth seeing, we're bringing back an old favorite: Joe Bob's drive-in totals. Here they are:
2 stranglings
2 fatal knife throws to the chest
5 kicks/punches that seemed to kill guys
157 corpses
3 breasts
1 artilary raft
4 hateful Asian guys you just knew Chuck was icing and couldn't wait for it.
31 rocket launchings
279 grenade explosions
578941277552 rounds fired... and
one dead Jeff Wong(1927-1984). R.I.P.
This is a great action movie!
Sid the Elf | 04/16/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of the best action movies I have ever seen before (even though its a little old) because Vietnam war is a cool thing to base a movie on and the musical score was just the best thing. The action sequences and storyline was great, and it really is able to portray the events of Vietnam war very well. This movie will always be a great one."