Disappointing follow up
Jason Paul Collum | 09/25/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, first i have to say that I love Monique Parent and have always enjoyed David Naughton, but -yikes!- was this movie a massive waste of time. I absolutely adore the original which had so much to offer in the way of a true sequel, but the filmmaker's have never picked up on it. Instead, we get some tired, confusing story about a woman (Parent) who has practically no dialogue who, I guess, either comitted suicide or was murdered and now sits as a ghost in front of the mirror chatting with herself. Blah blah blah. Then Naughton hobbles around from some leg wound he received as the result of a previous encounter with a bad guy. And he wanders... and he wanders. Why is his character in the movie? Because Naughton (AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON) was willing to be in the movie, I guess. Billy Drago doesn't make for any knid of hero and the whole mess just kind of drags along as the viewer goes "Huh?" It's definitely not scary or suspenseful, and the lack of coherency only makes matters worse.... not to mention the endless opening credit sequence of someone driving quickly through the streets of LA for no other reason than to pad out the running time. I was sure this would kill the series, but just read today PJ Soles is starring in Part 4. Poor PJ."
Drago shows talent in sexy thriller "Mirror"
becky robison | ft. worth, texas United States | 05/24/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of Billy Drago (Secret Games) often see him portray the deadly, subtle, psyhcotic menace who dies in spectacular ways. "Mirror, Mirror III" permits a display of the man's talent not often given a chance. Having the lead role, Mr. Drago portrays a regular guy but still exhibits the cool demeanor that he is noted for. His eyes are still hypnotic but not threatening. Though not a big buget movie, it's engaging. It's sexual and supernatural content pulls the viewer into a world of memories and fantasy. If you are a fan looking for a movie that gives Mr.Drago some air time and acting room, this is a good one. Or if you enjoy sexy thrillers, this one is perfect to introduce you into the genre."