Screen chronicle based on actual 1917 events outside Fatima, Portugal, where three shepherd children report visions of the Virgin Mary and confront anticlerical government oppression in the process.
"Through the search engine of, I was able to acquire The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima, and to see it again after about 50 years. The story is well paced and puts credibility on the events that transpired. I am not sure how much artistic liberty was taken with the happenings that can be objectively verified. But the basic story is there, minus the third secret that finally was publicly announced in the year 2000.There were six visitations on the 13th of six consecutive months. It was not clear in the film whether the children actually made it to the fourth one in time, and the fifth one was eliminated entirely.This film is food for thought for those who are wrestling with the idea of what to believe. As one reviewer said, the ordinary people would not have known about the threat from Russia, as Lenin and the Bolsheviks were coming into power. And then, how did the children know ahead of time that Francisco and Jacinta would die young, and that Lucia would live on--into her nineties and, I believe, still alive as I write these words?I did read an account somewhere that even observers who continued to disbelieve had to admit that there was a "miracle of the sun." Can meteorologists give us a good explanation of the phenomenon that could have occurred?
This film can reinforce the devout believers, debunk those who are totally skeptical, and continue to challenge the rest of us as we try to figure out what really happened. Hope this becomes more widely available soon, possibly on DVD with commentary."
It was a miracle
sealawyer | Houston, TX | 02/01/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Not that it will matter to those already pre-disposed to deny the possibility, but it might interest all others to know that my 93 year old mother was six years old and forty miles away from Fatima the day the sun danced in the heavens. She has a clear and unambiguous recollection of the impact this event had upon her surroundings. The same was true of my grandparents who spoke of Fatima with reverence and awe until their deaths a half century ago. These were simple and honest people with a firm grip on reality. They did not experience some kind of mass hallucination nor were they victims of trickery on a grand scale. They had no reason to lie or deceive.
As for the movie, it suffers from the usual limitations of Hollywood story telling. Ironically, what actually took place at Fatima was much more compelling than this sanitized version with its frequent embellishments and mythical characters served up by the screenplay's authors. The costumes, set designs and dreadful attempts to speak Portuguese suggest colonial life in northern Mexico rather than central Portugal in the early decades of the twentieth century. Still, the basic outline of events is faithfully recounted, including the terrific pressure brought to bear upon the children to recant their story and the near fanatical attempts of local politicians (mainly Socialists and atheists) to discredit them.
Perhaps some day a better movie will be made. Until then, this effort to tell the story of Fatima, flawed as it is, will have to do. Hard as it may be for many to accept, the story is true."
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima . dvd !!!
shawn d curtis | Deer Lake, Newfoundland Canada | 05/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Please put this movie , The Miracle of our Lady of Fatima , on DVD. in Full Screen , Wide Screen . This is the most needed movie today in our times. Please , can you send a message to Warner Bros.Pictures.Inc and put this request in for the people.I Hope There is Someone There at would look in to this matter . I can only say PLEASE !!!"
Re-Examining The "Beautiful Lady In White"
Brian E. Erland | Brea, CA - USA | 04/27/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie had a profound affect on me as a child growing up in the late fifties, early sixties. From a Protestant family, we were taught to have little to do with any Catholic notions that elevated the Virgin Mary to any importance other than serving as the Mother of the divine child. Yet for some reason I still felt somehow connected to this wonderfully moving, if not completely accurate cinematic re-telling of the appearances of the "Beautiful Lady in White" to three peasant children in Fatima, Portugual in 1917.
Finally with its long awaited release on DVD last month I was greatly looking forward to viewing it once again, albeit this time with much older, critical eyes and a markedly more jaded and cyncial mindset. Now having viewed the '52 religious classic all I can say is I must be an old softie after all. The three children are delightful, particularily Susan Whitney (Lucia) in her one and only film appearance, as is Gilbert Roland as the amiable, though historically fictitious town drunk Hugo.
'The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima' has held up well through the years and still remains one of the great religious films of all-time. Completely accurate or not, this film will touch the heart of even the most resistant non-believer."
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
Mary K. Thompson | Columbus, Ohio United States | 02/05/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have viewed this film many times & at one time had a copy of the film of which I loaned & never had it returned to me. After a long search I finally found it again & will never let it out of my hands again. I'll look at it often over & over.
I have reviewed some of the comments that are favorable & those not so favorable for one reason or another. All I can say is this is BEAUTIFUL & should be seen on TV more often than it is. There are many movies shown on TV that are an insult & give nothing to our intelligence & growth. Believe it or not there are still many who are unaware of the Miracle at Fatima in 1917. The message is crutial to our times. Our Lady needs to be better known if there is to be PEACE!!!! Lucia, the oldest seer is still living & reaffirms the events in Fatima. Francisco & Jacinta are deceased & have been declared Saints. With regard to the quality of acting, I also found this to be very good. Even if it were not, it would not distracted me from the message the film had to offer. I hope to buy more of this film in the future & distribute them as gifts."