Just dont
elfdart | 10/05/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"i really disliked this movie. not only does the movie run on the stereotypical plot and themes of countless movies that have come before it... but it's based on a movie that was actually very good. i suppose i wouldn't mind this version so very much if i hadn't seen the lucille ball version first, it would have been just another crude attempt at mashing together a feel-good movie about family values to get people to pay money to go see it, like a lot of the other things playing in theaters. but since i've seen and enjoyed the original, watching this actually offended me personally. i would have preferred that they take these characters and make a new movie.. not attempt to ride on the success of the last one.
as for the movie itself, the mom was of course the with the big heart and the dad a heartless dictator, stereotypical gender roles ftw. the mom of course had to adopt a kid from every visually different racial category so that all races were represented... while making them play out their 'racial role', one chinese kid was an effeminate designer, the other tech savy, the indian kids went barefoot and liked gardening, the black kid was 'gangsta' and made a rap song for them all at one point, and of course all the white kids were the focus of the story ... so they reaaaallllyyyy tried hard to create dynamic and interesting characters here, and at the same time did a most excellent job of challenging the status quo and the stereotypes that influence kids to perpetuate racist stereotypes. honestly. there should be a committee or something for things like this. and of course the men made all the rules and the women had 'great personalities' aka 'strong' but did what the men said in the end. again, great film for the kids.
i'm getting a bit overly sarcastic now so i'll stop. suffice it to say i was not impressed."