Alan Moore writer, artist and performer is the world s most critically acclaimed and widely admired creator of comic books and graphic novels. — In The Mindscape of Alan Moore we see a portrait of the artist as contemporary... more » shaman, someone with the power to transform consciousness by means of manipulating language, symbols and images.
The film leads the audience through Moore s world with the writer himself as guide, beginning with his childhood background, following the evolution of his career as he transformed the comics medium, through to his immersion in a magical worldview where science, spirituality and society are part of the same universe.
Making of featurette
Interviews with director, composer and special make-up FX artist
Selected scene analysis with director's commentary
Introduction to Alan Moore s work by Paul Gravett
Interviews with Melinda Gebbie (Lost Girls), Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), David Lloyd (V For Vendetta), Kevin O Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and Jose Villarubia (Promethia & Mirror of Love)
MUSIC: Original Music by Drew Richards. Additional Music by Bill Laswell & Alan Douglas, Lustmord, Spectre
"While I think an objective documentary about Alan Moore is in order, this trip through his current headspace is enough to spark some thought. It divides up into two areas -- first Moore talks about how he got into comics and what inspired his seminal works, but then the interview segues into his current worldview, where it may lose people that aren't his fans. (When he starts talking about magic, both he and the director make oblique references to Promethea, but as a phase of his professional career, it isn't really explained.)
Along the way, the director stages pieces of Moore's work -- a chilling moment from V which is far more effective than the Wachowskis, the diary of Rorschach and repeated imagery which seems to be meant to evoke Swamp Thing and John Constantine.
Moore has a lot on his mind, and it's interesting, though director Vylenz could have culled a bit of his repetition. The second disc consists of interviews with some of Moore's artistic collaborators, which does make this a must-have for discriminating comics fans."
This documentary changed my perspective on life
J. Burgos | West Hollywood, CA United States | 12/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Alan Moore is one of the (if not THE) most celebrated and awarded writers in the comic book (or graphic novel) medium. This documentary film is an indepth look into the life, influences, thoughts and musings of Alan Moore. While I had a hard time understanding Mr. Moore's very thick accent (I watched it with subtitles on), it was by no means a distraction from the contents of the film, namely a journey into Moore's mind and his creative process. This film also has had a very strong impact in how I view life, creativity and the medium of literature and art. This film is a must see for anyone who cares about the creative process and our culture in general. Brilliant, poignant and very thought-provoking."
Only for fans of Moore
landru141 | Planet Houston | 04/07/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I realize that to some people Alan Moore is a God. He is interesting for a bit, but no amount of intrusive music and staged Floyd-like film inserts could really cover up for the sheer pretentious gibberish that barrages the viewer of this documentary. The worst aspect of the endless torrent of laconic speaking ... is how quickly the more interesting and publicly consumable works like Watchmen, From Hell, and V for Vendetta are brushed past.
Seriously, this is only for the true blue fan.
An interesting and insightful tour through the mind of a gen
Kevin Snyder | Sherman Oaks, CA | 10/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've been a fan of Alan Moore for over half of my life. Naturally, I snagged this documentary up at my first opportunity. I was not disappointed.
The film combines in-depth interviews and monologues with/by Alan Moore with related (although at times, psychedelic) imagery. If you're open-minded enough to read Alan Moore, this documentary should most definitely be up your alley."
Fascinating documentary
S. Gordon | Los Angeles | 08/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My expectations were low when I borrowed this from the library, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Moore is such a treasure trove of interesting factoids, especially when it comes to his influences, his expectations, and his motivation for writing comics. He is full of interesting ideas and observations about Western society... one would think he wrote books instead of comics.
Icing on the cake for fans who want to know just a little more about the most ambitious comic writer of our era."