You can find something better to do with your time
David Bonesteel | Fresno, CA United States | 03/06/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Sexy but untalented Emmanuelle Vaugier plays a psychic FBI agent (no, we haven't seen too many of those) who must confront the aftermath of the government program that produced her. Aside from the uninspired direction, the dull screenplay, and the underwhelming performances, it's not a bad film. It's always depressing to see quality performers such as Eric Roberts, Clarence Williams, and Michael Moriarty slumming in substandard product. I would include the dependable Michael Ironside in that list, but hasn't he built his career on this kind of thing?/"
Mind blow
R. R Reyes | American Super Hero in japan | 03/21/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I wish I could say a few nice things about this movie, but I can't. 'Mind storm' is a sad attempt at a psychic thriller. At best this would have been an ok late, very late night TV show on an obscure cable channel. Ok here is the set up; a govt, experiment to give children psychic abilities goes awry and years later comes back to bite some of the same govt officials in the back side. One of the kids grows up to be a cop working to help find missing children. She is played by Emmanuelle Vaugier. She is very sexy, but sadly can't act to save her life. Her half way partner, played by Antonio Sabato Jr needs to go back to Soap acting. Maybe they both do? There were a few high points. Michael Ironside plays the Senator. He always makes a great bad guy. Clarence Williams III player Emmanuelle's adoptive father, and William B Davis (of the X-files) makes a guest appearance as the head mad scientists. Eric Roberts plays the reincarnated childhood friend. Man, what happened to him after 'Runaway train'? The story was weak, as was most of the acting. The sets looked cheap and the special FX were low budget. I say stay away from this one.
Sorry to say but this was a real stinker. I only give it 2 stars because of Ironside and Clarence Williams..."
William Burts | 12/07/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I find mind storm a decent albeit not a great sci-fi film. Emmanuelle Vaugier (Tracy Wellmen)is a childhood guinea pig into giving children psychic abilities. This covert project headed by William Armitage (Micheal Ironside)of the N.S.A. is getting close to being detected by congress. Therefore Armitage wants all existence of the project eliminated. This involves a massacre of all subjects and personal of course,Tracy with the help of a soldier (Clarance Williams)who is like a father to her manages to escape. Fast forward twelve years or so Tracy all grown up now works for the F.B.I. in finding missing children using her mental abilities of E.S.P. and other psychic talents. But due to the trauma of her past has amnesia of her childhood. fast forward further Armitage now a senator and whose daughter has joined a new age cult headed by Eric Roberts a former subject of the project and childhood friend of Tracy and who has the psychic ability of transference of his mind into other bodies wants to manipulate the situation to his advantage. Tracy (Vaugier) the investigator for the case enters the cult to get the truth and with the help of Roberts regains her memories. What follows is your usual good vs evil drama,with Vaugier vs her childhood friend now nemesis. The movie has your standard cult vs cops shootout, but the acting perfornances are all solid and the film has enough suspence to keep you watching. Over all a edgy thriller."