Bonus Features: Season 1: Disc 1: **Millenium Season 1 Episodes (Disc 1) *Pilot with Commentary by Creator/Writer/Executive Producer Chris Carter *Gehenna with Commentary by Director David Nutter *Dead Letters Disc 2: **... more »Millenium Season 1 episodes (Disc 2) *Kingdom Come *Blood Relatives Disc 3: **Millenium Season 1 episodes (Disc 3) **Wide Open *The Wild and the Innocent *Weeds *Loin Like a Hunting Flame Disc 4: **Millenium Season 1 episodes (Disc 4) *Force Majeure *The Thin White Line *Sacrament *Covenant Disc 5: **Millenium Season 1 episodes (Disc 5) *Walkabout *Lamentation *Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions *Broken World Disc 6: **Millenium Season 1 episodes (Disc 6) *Maranatha *Paper Dove Season 2: Disc 7: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 1) *The Beginning and the End *Beware of the Dog *Sense and Antisense *Monster Disc 8: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 2) *A Single Blade of Grass *The Curse of Frank Black *The Hand of Saint Sebastian *The Hand of Saint Sebastian Commentary by Tom Wright Disc 9: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 3) *Jose Chungâ??s Doomsday Defense *Midnight of the Century (Holiday) *Goodbye Charlie *Luminary Disc 10: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 4) *The Mikado *The Pest House *Owls *Roosters *The Mikado Commentary by Michael R. Perry Disc 11: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 5) *Siren *In Arcadia *Ego *Anamnesis *A Room with No View Disc 12: **Millenium Season 2 episodes (Disc 6) *Somehow *Satan Got Behind Me *The Fourth Horseman *The Time is Now **The Turn of the Tide: Making of Season 2 **Academy Group: Victimology Season 3: Disc 13: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 1) *The Innocents (Commentary by Lance Henrickson and Klea Scott) *Exegesis *Teotwawki *Closure Disc 14: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 2) *...Thirteen Years Later (KISS) *Skull and Bones *Through A Glass, Darkly *Human Essence Disc 15: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 3) *Omerta *Borrowed Time *Collateral Damage (Commentary by Tom Wright) *The Sound of Snow Disc 16: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 4) *Anitpas *Matryoshka *Forcing the End *Saturn Dreaming of Mercury Disc 17: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 5) *Darwin's Eyes *Bardo Thodol *Seven and One *Nostalgia Disc 18: **Millenium Season 3 episodes (Disc 6) *Via Dolorosa *Goodbye To All That *X-Files "Millennium" episode from Season 7 **End Game: The Making of Millennium Season 3 & Between the Lines« less
Interested series with one of my favorite actors Lance Henriksen but it needed more bite with the plotline.
Movie Reviews
Mr. B. Renshaw | ENGLAND | 09/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"MILLENNIUM is at first a product of the time, a manifestation of the 1990's fear of what Y2K could bring. It's easy to look back now in hindsight and dismiss millennial tension, but there were a great number of people who had serious thoughts of what could happen and looked for answers. It's also easy to dismiss its innovative mature and sombre tone when it has been copied to lesser effect in the last five or six years with other procedural shows like CSI and COLD CASE.
Chris Carter concieved MILLENNIUM to be like the feature films SILENCE OF THE LAMBS or SEVEN but on a weekly format. No aliens or govermental conspiracies like his X-FILES, but a psychological exploration of the nature of evil, of one man's ability to see into the thought processes of the worst of humanity. Frank Black's gift was not psychic in nature but an accute understanding of the heart of darkness: "I become capability. I become the horror -- what we know we can become only in our heart of darkness. It's my gift. It's my curse. That's why I retired."
Lance Henrikson plays ex-FBI agent Frank Black perfectly, a man who was driven to a nervous breakdown when he realized he could no longer keep his family safe from the evil he was helping to fight. He only returns to work with the help of the Millennium Group and the support of his wife, who realises he can't just sit back and wait for a happy ending. Their symbolic yellow house becomes not just a sanctuary but a fragile treasure in Franks mind, one that is threatened as his investigations continue. Evil takes a personal interest in him, tempting him to join it, and we see the toll his resistence to that evil has on his life.
The psychological aspect is what I believe Chris Carter was more interested in, however when Season two began and X-Files script writers/producers Morgan and Wong took over, they changed the focus away from that aspect and more on the supernatural, conspiratorial and mythological nature of the Millennium Group itself. Over that one season the Group turned from a noble company of ex-law enforcement agents (like the real life Academy Group) into a fractured quasi-religious cult, founded at the time of Christ's crucifixtion, with an agenda to not just wait for an apocalypse but to pre-empt it. At the end of the second season, after some exceptional pieces of work, the writers introduced a deadly ebola-type virus, supposedly manufactured by the group itself, that apparently wipes out half the world. At the end of that season, the world has ended, and the writers effectively changed the concept of the show.
Season three, back now in the hands of Chris Carter, starts off without making any real reference to the virus outbreak, with Frank back at the FBI, until a few episodes in when it's revealed it was only a media panic over a few isolated cases rather than the real apocalypse. The SOUND OF SNOW is particulary a heart-wrenching episode where Frank finally deals with his wifes death. Try as they might, despite some exceptional work, the show never recovers from the loss of the Catherine Black character, the loss of the symbolism of the yellow house, or the change of Millennium Group to religious conspiracy cult. After the Group begin to execute those members deemed too dangerous to their agenda, Frank goes on the run with his daughter Jordan.
These DVD's are still a must buy for any fan of dramatic storytelling, because even the worst episodes are better than 90% of current tv. If you like CSI, 24 and all of the other procedural shows, you'll like this. They're excellently put together with commentaries and documentaries, which especially give you a palpable sense of the frustration felt by the actors and Chris Carter of how great the show could have been if allowed to grow at its own pace. Regardless of any faults, MILLENNIUM is a special show, the level of acting and production elevating it over any inconsistancies of series narrative. It has inspired fans to create a continuation of the show in two professionally scripted Virtual Seasons (VS4 and VS5), with a third (VS6) being written this year (2010), and an ever growing movement in the Back to Frank Black campaign, to take the show to the big screen.
As Lance Henrikson says in the documentary, about missed opportunities, MILLENNIUM still haunts him.
So will this, but for all the right reasons."
Two great seasons, one mediocre season = pretty good
Bryant Burnette | Tuscaloosa, AL | 10/31/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season One of "Millennium" has got to rank as the most grim season of any television series ever broadcast on network TV. There is an air of misery, despair, and doom that hangs over every episode. Other shows have gone further in terms of gore -- "CSI" leaps immediately to mind -- but none of them have gone as far in terms of tone. For a lot of people, that makes this first season hard to watch, but if you're game for it, then I think it's probably Chris Carter's finest single season on any of his shows. A dark, brooding masterpiece.
Season two still bears Carter's name, but he was busy working on the "X-Files" movie, and consequently left Glen Morgan and James Wong in charge of "Millennium" this particular year. Some fans see the second season as a too-abrupt change of pace from season one, and indeed there is a palpable difference in both content and tone. The show is still dark, but the plot opens up to become a bit more of a standard "X-Files"-like conspiracy show, with the Millennium Group put a bit more front and center. To me, this seems like a natural outgrowth of the first season, so no complaints. And about half season two's episodes are not just good, they're GREAT -- this season is HIGHLY recommended.
Unfortunately, season three is a colossal disappointment. Without giving anything away, let's say that season two ended on, well, a BIT of a cliffhanger, and one that seemed as if it was pushing the series in a very specific direction. The beginning of season three almost totally ignores that intended direction, and if you're one of the people who feel that season two went against the grain of the first season, well, maybe that's a good thing. For everyone else, it just feels like a huge cheat. Again, I don't want to say too much, lest I spoil parts of the plot for newcomers; but suffice it to say that I just DO NOT accept the direction the third season took. It definitely doesn't match with season two, but I personally don't think it matches with season one, either. It's not a complete waste of time, as the production values remained high, Lance Henriksen remained awesome as Frank, and several individual episodes managed to be good ones. But there are also a few that are laughably bad, and all in all, it's just not good.
Still, the first two seasons are absolutely terrific, so this set as a whole is definitely recommended."
A Killer Show
iamnotwhatiam | Carbondale, IL | 01/23/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Sorry about the bad pun. But seriously, Chris Carter hit a home run with this dark saga which at its core is about a tormented man trying to balance good and evil in both his own and others' lives. Lance is brilliant in portraying our protagonist, Frank Black. I must say I do prefer Millenium to its predecessor, The X Files. (I know, I know, blasphemy) Something about the extremes to which this show goes; the severity of its ideology is mesmerizing. Each season does have its own flavor, but overall it is imperative to watch all the episodes in order to get the big picture (albeit a bleak one...)
Season One focuses more on the killer-of-the-week structure (that also came and went through The X Files as well). This season was the darkest and most horrific (and consequently quite the way to introduce viewers to the show!)
Season Two is my personal favorite. These episodes manage to lighten the load of terror and dread a wee bit and pose more metaphysical inquries; many of which find little or no resolve, leaving the viewer to construe their own meaning. (This is MUCH appreciated by engaged watchers...)
Season Three is like the big comedown after the high. While not bad by any means, it is a bit more tired (as is Frank at this point), relies a bit more on conventional crime solving (although the story arc does pervade this season as well.)
Overall, the series does not "end with a bang, but with a whimper"
People have mixed feelings on how the writers chose to end the dark drama, but the ambiguous nature of the show as a whole is what this reviewer thinks made it so special and welcoming to individual interpretations. Highly recommended to those willing to step into the dark closet and face some heavy issues."
FRANK BLACK is back!!!
Johnny Reb | USA | 11/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently bought the Millennium complete DVD collection, and I love it! This show was one of the top 10 great series of all-time... It is too bad it ended with only three seasons. I remember watching this show when it was firat ran, and I even recored most of the show on video tape for future viewing.. Now I have the DVD collection and I can watch it to my hearts content... Now all I have to do is getthe X-Files complete collection and then I'll be set...
This is a must see show... Lance Henriksen was perfect choice to play Frank Black, a former FBI serial profiler who can "see" the world through the eyes of the killers he hunts.... This show dealt with serial killers, murderers, and endtimes conspirarcy make for pleanty of thought provoking entertainment!
A 100 percent must see!!!"
This was a groundbreaking series....
missy99 | 02/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"But, unfortunately, mainstream viewers were not ready for it. Frank Black is one of the most intriguing characters that I have ever seen portrayed on television, and Lance Henrikson did a superb job of portraying this dark character. The series really found its voice in the second season, mixing crime-drama, paranormal and spiritualism. Season two was largely the work of Morgan and Wong, who did a phenomenal job of taking the series to new heights. The second season finale was the most intense finale that I have ever seen. The third season was *good*, but unfortunately, Chris Carter felt it necessary to take a step back from the novel and visionary storylines that Morgan and Wong created. There has never been a show like this on television before, and unfortunately, there will probably not be one like it again."