Skateboarding's official security guard.
Matt M | IL United States | 07/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a huge fan of Mike Vallely, I have the majority of the footage on this video scattered across my collection. What makes this worthwhile is the commentary by Mike V along with other pro skaters telling exactly what the feelings were behind the fights. Plus its nice to have it all in one place, and all on DVD.For those of you who are pacifists, the video delivers a positive message. Mike V says that he has not been in a physical confrontation in two years now, and tells us why. Despite the misconceptions, Mike V is not a war monger, not short tempered, and not needlessly aggressive. He simply isn't passive about injustices against skateboarders. His brand of frontier justice, while it may or may not make non-skaters understand skateboarding, at least makes people think twice about how they can treat us. The video has some very funny footage with Bam, some really good skateboarding, and quite a few worthwhile extras on the DVD. I highly reccomend viewing it."
Prof Positive | Minnesota | 07/22/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First of all there wasn't much actual fight footage on this DVD. There were a couple of group scuffles which didn't involve any decent punches landing and were very brief. There were a few debates with security guards that went nowhere and didn't turn physical. There was footage of some guy describing Mike V going wild on some security guards (but no accompanying footage of the actual fight). There was Mike V challenging a Hockey enforcer to a hockey fight and giving up after he was hit twice. There was some WWE-style wrestling (not real fights). Lastly, there was a one sided pushing match between Mike V and four jocks. None of them were hurt and none fought back. I'm not saying that he wasn't provoked into getting physical with them. I'm just saying it wasn't much of a fight.
It was funny to hear some of the accounts by some of his fellow skate-boarders who blew way out of proportion the athleticism he displayed in these scuffles. (They compared him pushing four drunk guys sequentially to a Jackie Chan choreographed fight). Taking on four guys at once is gutsy and does sound impressive but when you see the footage you will realize it was nothing special.
I did respect him in the end of the DVD for saying that he realized that there is nothing to be gained from street-fighting win or lose and that he has reformed. I also know that he is a pro skateboarder and not a pro fighter but I bought this DVD expecting to see some good one-on-one fights, which didn't materialize. If you're a confrontation fan, buy this DVD. If you're a fight fan skip it."