Power up with six incredible teens who out-maneuver and defeat evil everywhere as the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, But this time the Power Rangers may have met their match, when they face off with the most sinister monster... more » the galaxy has ever seen.« less
Jacqueline Y. (JacquieBeans) from COLUMBIA, SC Reviewed on 11/19/2009...
It is what it is; a Power Rangers movie. However, for all fans of the original cast - Ms. Jo makes a return!
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
I'm a sucker for movies with lessons
Y. Collins | Fairfax, VA United States | 05/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As a single mother of a 7-year-old the viewability of programming aimed at children is a priority for me, and as a result, I spend most of her viewing time seated right beside her. I'd always been a fan of The Power Rangers series for their Crayola-colored costumes and the easy way their comradery translated to their viewing audience. Series casting changes notwithstanding, when this movie made its way to video I purchased a copy for our home viewing collection. This one gets a grade B+ for the delightful manner in which it uses grade school lessons to entertain young children. The soundtrack is pretty neat, too."
A+ for the fans, everyone else should probably just avoid...
Jeremy Ray Logsdon | Kentucky | 08/04/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Plain and simple, this is an awesome movie for fans of the Power Rangers. However, for people who don't like Power Rangers, this may be 1.5 hours of quite intense displeasure. Fortunately for me, I like the Power Rangers, and this movie is one of my top ten favorites. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
In a nutshell, the world is in danger and it's up to the Power Rangers to save it. I better not give away the ending.
Yes, it is cheesy. Yes, it is for kids.
But for fans of the show, the special effects are unbelievable. To go from a man in a bulky Zord suit to a CGI model for the NinjaMegaZord is unbelievable. The individual Zord fights are fun, although my favorite part of the movie is the armor. No spandex in this flick. The Rangers are all wearing shiny, pretty armor with cool helmets and new weapons. I found the fight scenes fun and exciting, and the soundtrack to this movie is decent. It contains Red Hot Chili Peppers, Van Halen, and some other random crap that isn't as good. But some of the songs are pretty good.
Dulcea is a nice touch. She's much more fun (imo) than Ninjor (from the show), and she looks far better in a bikini.
In short, if you are a fan, you've probably already seen this movie. If you aren't a fan, you probably won't be interested. On the other hand, if you like special effects and martial arts-style fighting, you might get a kick out of it. Just don't expect this to be a 5-star movie for you like it was for me if you aren't already a fan of the Power Rangers."
For what it is, this movie is excellent
Sam Allen | Newburyport Mass. | 04/29/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was a huge fan of the Power Rangers when this movie was released into theaters, so you can bet I went out and saw it. However, as much as I enjoyed it, I eventually felt that I had outgrown the Power Rangers. For a while, I just thought they were plainly stupid. However, my enjoyment for the laughably bad acting and writing in the television show made me realize how good the ORIGINAL series truly was. Only the original series was what I watched. This movie is actually somewhat well-written compared to the series, and takes place in somewhat of an alternate universe. Many differences between the movie and television series are noticeable.
-Zordon, Alpha-5, and the command center look very different. The Command Center is much larger and more detailed.
-Unlike in the television series, the rangers have a large power coin of their power on the chest of their tights.
-Tommy's power is "White Tiger" instead of "Tigerzord."
-The helmets are bigger and bulkier. The tights look like they are made of leather rather than cloth.
-Mordant, the pig warrior who appeared with Goldar as Lord Zedd's henchmen, was never featured in the TV series.
-The story of how the Rangers lost their powers and received their Ninja powers is told differently from the way it is told in the television series. Also, in the series, the Ninja Rangers have masks that cover their entire face, unlike here.
-A couple of gadgets that were never used in the series are used here: Rocky's helmet has a scope built into it and Aisha's helmet has headlights built into the eyes.
-Weapons previously unused on the tv series are here, and Power Weapons/Blade Blasters are ignored. Billy has a new sword, the Stega Stinger, and Kimberly has a Thunder Whip.
-Goldar, Rita, and Zedd have a few notable alterations in appearance.
-Putties are nowhere to be seen, instead they take on Ooze Children and Tenga Warriors as standard enemies.
The movie is also different from your typical Power Rangers TV episode. It's true that Zedd and Rita are in the movie, but they ally with the film's main villain, Ivan Ooze, after freeing him from imprisonment in an egg, and he has got to be the nasiest villain they ever fought. He even turns against the usual evil of Zedd and Rita and imprisons them inside of a snowglobe! The Rangers go through a lot more than just, fight wussie monsters, trouble fighting real monster, monster grows, Thunder Megazord owns. For starters, there is no Thunder Megazord. Instead, there is the Ninja Megazord (Pink Crane, Black Frog, Yellow Bear, Blue Wolf, and Red Ape) and the Ninja Megafalconzord, which adds on the White Falcon. The acting is still sub-par, but what do you expect? I like the movie because it gives fans a taste of a slightly different universe than what was used before. If you are young and getting into the GOD-AWFUL new breeds of Power Rangers (Mystic Force?) then give this a try and see what you've been missing. If you liked any of the shows as a child, give this a try as well. If you think the Power Rangers are just plain stupid, then DON'T.
Also, I have noticed that most all major critics gave this movie poor reviews. However, there is a reason for that. They are actually taking the movie SERIOUSLY. Whatever you do, don't take this film seriously, if you are an adult it is pretty much meant to be taken as a joke. Only a kid between the ages of 4 and 7 would take it seriously and enjoy it."
Power Rangers: The Movie
Amanda | California, USA | 12/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ok, I know they're like so many people who hate Power Rangers and thinks it's ONLY for kids. But I've seen almost all of teh seasons of the show and it's actually pretty good. Has some not-so-good moments sometimes but that's OK. I'm 15, and I still watch it. The movie, Oh it was one the movies that I absolutely found adorable. The actors are great, the special effects are great(considering it was in 1995!), the jokes I loved, especially Adam!!("I'm a Frog..." Awww!!) Ivan Ooze it funny and Rita and Zedd are even there! Which just adds to the jokes. I especially loved the zords and the new Command Center. Why didn't they just keep it like this through out the rest of the season?! This movie is great for the family, and if some people weren't so close-minded about these types of movies(or shows) they could lear to appreciate it at least, and not be so repuled by it. It's actually isn't that bad. BUY/RENT IT!"
I Miss My Childhood
Steven Stewart | Liverpool | 09/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now like most kids, I loved the Power Rangers, I loved the intense martial arts fights and the general good feeling of good always winning over evil. Today I can still look back on past episodes not with general nostalgia, but as a viewer of today and call it childish but I can still say the Mighty Morphin was the best rangers generation. Although you generally knew that the Rangers would always win out against the bad guy, it was always made in a way in which would have you thinking "well maybe they wont pull through this time". It's a genuinely fun and cool show for the kids and the big kid in all of us who struggles to hold onto the past.
The story focuses around a mysterious egg prison found in a building site, it's opened by Rita and Lord Zedd to release the evil Ivan Ooze. Ooze was locked away by Zordon 6 thousand years ago and now Ooze is seeking revenge, he destroys the crystaline chamber keeping Zordon alive and is what provided the rangers with their power. Now, the rangers must set on a quest on an ancient planet to unlock a secret power which will help save Zordon and the universe.
The Power Rangers was never a show about great action or complete fantasy, it was a show that gave a great message about friendship and self belief. It always had the underlining message about sticking by those you care about and defending those in trouble. It did this in my mind without being too cheesy or too insulting to the child's intelligence. They portray this message superbly in this movie and as always places that along side some great action.
The special effects of this movie are, for the time amazing and it clearly has a much bigger budget than its TV counterpart. The zord animations aren't perfect but are much preferred to the traditional man in a crazy suit in a model city. It is cool and Ivan Ooze makes for a great one off evil villain that is so evil even locks away Rita and lord Zedd. A great movie all around, it isn't something that new fans will enjoy as it's very much a film for the fans of the traditional series. To those now too old to call themselves rangers fans simply because it makes you seem creepy, it's something that can give you an enjoyable nostalgia feel."