It's the film that makes "King Kong" look like a classic! Meet "The Mighty Gorga" (1969, 84 min.), a goofy-looking (and often cross-eyed) giant gorilla played by a guy in the worst ape suit ever seen in a motion picture! J... more »ourney to a Prehistoric Plateau and also meet a tyrannosaurus played, no surprise, by a guy wearing the worst dinosaur suit ever seen in a motion picture. It's a special effects non-spectacle so stupid it's breathtaking! Other creatures include a serpent guarding the Lost Treasure of Bronson Canyon, and such B-movie dinosaurs as Anthony Eisley, Kent Taylor, and Scott Brady. Then the same tyrannosaurus gobbles up cave gals in "One Million AC/DC" (1969, 64 min.), a caveman sex comedy written by none other than "Plan 9 from Outer Space's" Edward D. Wood, Jr. This berserk stone age skinflick also features a horny ape, a cave orgy, dinosaurs from the original "One Million B.C.," and lines like "I'm off to see the lizard." Wow.« less
Kevin P. Coon | Twin Falls, Idaho USA | 08/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am very happy to finally see this movie on DVD!!! If there was ever a movie to laugh at and have fun with it is this one. The gorilla suit is a plastic as can be and is never shown from the waist down!! Also, this is the ONLY movie in which plastic toy dinosaurs terrorize the hero. Tony Eisley stars as a circus owner on the verge of bankruptcy who seeks out a giant gorilla living in Africa. He travels there (actually Simi Valley, CA) and meets April, the owner of an animal farm there. After a fire is set by our villian (Scitt Brady) she has no choice but to accompany Tony on his expidition. Fun for all with plastic dinos and more flubbed lines than I have ever seen in a film before.
The second feature is One Million AC/DC written by Ed Wood!! Another pitiful movie that makes Gorga look like a classic well made film!! Wall to wall nudity and inane dialogue. My opinion on this is not good. I didn't really like this film and cannot understand why Something Weird Video put this R rated film on with the G rated Gorga.
Loaded with trailers and lots of extras, check this out if you want to see a couple of movies that will make your jaw drop. Highly Recommended!!"
Serious and silly all in one....
Candy Mcclellan | Van Buren, Arkansas United States | 03/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mighty Gorga is a combination of 2 movies:first is a serious adventure,the other is a silly,campy ape comedy...I was getting involved in the serious part of the movie until Gorga showed up,then I thought "what is this?" Gorga is too silly to be taken seriously,what with all the goofy expressions,the cowlick and the "fight" with the T-Rex,but good for a laugh anyway...Notice that you don't see the bottom half of Gorga either... One Million AC/DC is a bore,except for the T-Rex showing up once in a while,but that's it..The extras are interesting...."
Goofy ape movie is alot of fun!!
Gary Bowden | Fort Smith, Arkansas United States | 03/06/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I thought I've seen everything when it comes to bad movies,but "Mighty Gorga" is in a class by itself! Why?Well,the serious part of the movie where they're going to the island where Gorga lives isn't bad.You're lead to believe this is a serious adventure,but when Gorga shows up,you can't believe what you're seeing because it feels like it's from a different movie.Part of it is drama and the other part with Gorga is funny..Did the director do this on purpose?? And the so-called battle with Gorga and the T-Rex is like 2 kids going at it in bad Halloween costumes...Still worth the price though...The second feature "One Million AC/DC" is pretty boring,not unless you like no story,alot of nudity,bad jokes and even non-existant acting.Remember Ed Wood wrote this..The only bright spot is when the T-Rex shows up(looks like the one left over from Mighty Gorga)and maybe the horny gorilla,too.The extras are good,too.Worth getting if you want a good laugh."
Now this is poor.
A. Griffiths | London | 01/15/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I've seen "A*P*E", so I know BAD monkey movies, but this is far worse than even that, in fact it makes "A*P*E" look like a blockbuster! A circus owner called Mark Remington needs a big draw to save his ailing business, so he treks to deepest Africa in search of a mythical giant ape to capture. You don't need much more plot than that to make a giant ape movie, so there isn't any. We are greeted with a drab start at a very lack-lustre animal show, as Mark Remington bemoans the loss of profits at his circus, so we wait impatiently through some dull dialogue until he hears about the legendary giant ape and jets off to Africa. Africa is modestly depicted by it's "airport" (some non-descript building's lobby with - look! - palm trees), and the road outside. Once there, Mark meets a lady big game hunter and she knows the whereabouts of the said mighty ape - a lofty rock plateau, deep in the African wilderness. So off they trek, into tropical jungles, which are represented by some very non-tropical looking back yard woodlands with about five metres of trickling muddy stream, which the cast are shown stepping through or over at least half a dozen times from different angles. The towering prehistoric plateau that they have to scale turns out to be a very gently sloping quarry. A constant barrage of jungle drums and cawing birds obliterate the soundtrack, to further try and convince the viewer that we are in Africa, but it doesn't really help!
But if you think that's bad, wait until you see the Mighty Gorga himself! Only shown from the waist up - which saved on buying the legs of a costume - his most bizarre attribute is his stuck on plastic eyes which constantly stare in one fixed direction, and thats not even the same for both eyes! This gives him a constant alarmed /enraged expression, which isn't helped by some very unco-ordinated stomping and waving by the guy wearing the costume (oops, sorry, gave it away there!). He also has a rather wild mop of hair which tends to stick out wildly in some shots and then get nicely combed down again later on.
The true highlight is when our heroes are menaced by a Tyrannosauras Rex glove puppet and only the intervention of Gorga allows them to escape. You really won't believe your eyes when this clash of the titans unfolds on the screen. You would think sights this bad would have to be a spoof - if not for the earnest (ie, hammy) acting of the cast and the awful, cumbersome script. Speaking of the acting, it's mostly forgettable, except on the occasions when the actors clearly mess their lines up and it's evident that no second take was deemed worth bothering with - now thats breath-takingly bad movie making. Shame of a different kind comes from the cameo of a giant lizard in a cave. This one's not a bad monster, but it's borrowed footage from another movie which is (believe it or not) run for a few frames and then reversed in quick succession, over and over, to keep the monster in one position, which gives it the ludicrously appearance of dancing on the spot. Then there's the fabulous "lost treasure hoard" which turns out to be a small box filled with white and pink PLASTIC children's beads (..."These must be worth a fortune!" the cast emote - they must not get out much). Things trundle on for a bit longer until around the 80 minute mark when the wretched thing comes to a feeble conclusion.
If, somehow, you still want more, you get a second feature on the Something Weird DVD, but you'll need to be a serious masochist to manage more than a few minutes of "One Million AC/DC". It's a threadbare soft-porn flick that features people in fur loincloths pretending to be lusty cavemen and women romping in a cave. Well pretending is too strong a word, as nobody makes even the slightest pretence at acting. Apart from that, there's a T-Rex attack which uses the same puppet as featured in "Gorga" for close-ups, plus a plastic toy one being held up and waved about by hand for long shots, which truly insults the viewer's tolerance by not even trying to be realistic. There's nothing else to look at but ugly naked strippers rolling on the floor of a cave for a little over an hour. Do yourself a favour and don't even dignify this by watching it.
Luckily the current Something Weird DVD is not expensive, and I'm grateful to them for offering us all the chance to see "The Mighty Gorga". It really does take the crown as the worst giant ape movie ever made, but along with the laughs comes a certain amount of boredom as the Mighty Gorga himself appears on screen very sporadically and hardly does anything once he is there, so bear that mind. Still, alongside "One Million AC/DC" it actually looks like a masterpiece, which just goes to show you that however bad something is, there is ALWAYS something even worse not too far behind it."
OH MIGHTY GORGA I have young maidens for you MIGHTY GORGA
D. Milburn | Farmington, KY USA | 06/12/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Where to start, The Mighty Gorga is the worst of the gaint ape film but it is a total riot. Bad acting, bad dialog, bad F/x and a really bad crosseyed ape outfit. And the worst T Rex you will ever see on film except for made the one in One Million AC/DC.
Mighty Gorga is safe for the entire family to watch but not the rest of the disc. There is no cussing or nudity in Mighty Gorga but One Million AC/DC is nothing but a skin-fest as well as most of the extras. Typical Something Weird Video collection with tons of extras and short films along with the double feature.
As noted The Mighty Gorga is a hoot as a Jungle Land (Anyone remember Jungle Land in California, I do) animal collector try's to find a new attraction to save his failing circus with the non-acting tart from hell. It's just late night fun. One Million AC/DC is as said nothing but reel to reel skin with worst acting and really no plot. Entertaining to a point but pointless for the most part. A soft core remake of One Million Years BC. Worth a look if you are really bored. The extras are far better than this film. 5 stars for the Might Gorga and the extras but only 2 for One Million AC/DC."