La pesadilla de Carlos y Sandra empieza cuando accidentalmente son introducidos a un mundo desconocido. Ellos son perseguidos a través de la ciudad por lo que parecen ser personas inmortales del grupo Fuerza X. Estas ... more »personas tienen la habilidad de desaparecer en el aire. Lucharán para sobrevivir en un mundo tan extraordinariamente diferente del nuestro. The sci-fi nightmare begins when Carlos y Sandra accidentally get sucked into a world unknown to us. They are chased throughout the city by what seem to be immortal physically strong people from a group called Force X. When Carlos fires shots, they fire back lasers. They have the ability to disappear into thin air. Without realizing why they are the targets of Force X, the only thing they know is that there is no way out. Two strangers fight for their lives in a world so devastatingly different from ours. In Spanish No Subtitles« less