What evil lurks beyond the well-trimmed hedges of Midsomer... — The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most sinister secrets in these contemporary British television mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline ... more »Graham, modern master of the English village mystery, the series stars Neil Dudgeon (Life of Riley) as the capable Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby, with Gwilym Lee (Land Girls) as his new sidekick, Detective Sergeant Charlie Nelson. Guest stars include Michael Jayston, Sharon Small, Robert Bathurst, Ann Eleonora Jorgenson, and Hayley Mills.
The Christmas Haunting - New detective Charlie Nelson helps Barnaby investigate a stabbing at a haunted house.
Let Us Prey - A Series of murders mimics scenes on a medieval fresco in Midsomer St. Claire.
Wild Harvest - The death of a wealthy farmer leads the detectives to rotten dealings at a celebrity chef's restaurant.
The Flying Club - After a man falls out of a plane, Barnaby and Nelson scrutinize the turbulent relationships at an airfield.
The Killings of Copenhagen - When a Midsomer businessman is poisoned on a trip abroad, Barnaby assists the Danish police with their inquiry.
BONUS Celebrating 100 Episodes (17 min.), an interview with Gwilym Lee (9 min.), behind-the-scenes featurette (23 min.), and photo galleries« less