Based on the series of graphic novels by acclaimed writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach (Lost) and artist Les McClaine, The Middleman focuses on the titular superhero and his new protege, an aspiring artist named Wendy Watson. To... more »gether they defend the Earth against exotic problems such as animated Terra Cotta Warriors, evil lucha libre wrestlers, extraterrestrials, trout-eating zombies and much, much more! Both smart and exciting for fans of all ages, The Middleman scored big with critics when it debuted in June of 2008. Now the complete series is available in one collectible 4-disc box set that is chock-full of action, suspense,
wit and bonus features brought straight to you by the cast and creators of The Middleman themselves!
Bonus Features:
* Commentaries With the Cast and Crew
* Deleted and Extended Scenes
* Web Featurettes
* Gag Reel
* Audition Footage
* The Complete The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome Table Read
* A Gallery of Middleman Photography by Ralph King« less
"Precis of the show: An art major working as a temp on the reception desk of a genetics lab is caught up in a mishap that leads to her being recruited as an agent-in-training by a uniformed man (no, not officially uniformed like a cop or a mountie, and not spandexed and/or masked like Batman or the Lone Ranger; think 1950's Army knock-off, starting with the Eisenhower jacket) who introduces himself as "The Middleman", a secret agent working for a secret agency with a secret agenda to save the world and to fight evil no matter where it is found (so that we "don't have to").
Before she knows it, our temp receptionist, Wendy Watson, is in the middle of the adventure of a life-time, fighting evil right along-side the Middleman (aka MM). And what adventures they are: fighting aliens from space disguised as the members of a boy band, collaborating -- or not -- with vampires who run a fashion company, entering Hades to prevent world destruction, dealing with evil alter-egos in an alternative universe, etc, etc, etc... and many of these adventures are handled before breakfast. Figuratively speaking, that is.
"The Middleman" is a loving parody/spoof of just about every genre any fan has ever been deeply, madly, eternally in love with... and I should know, 'cause I'm that way about all of them: most obviously, of course, is the general SF category -- but within this genre there are also the "robots are our friends -- or are they?" genre, the "invaders from space walk amongst us" genre, the "secret masters of the universe" genre, the "alternate universe" genre, the "Batman&Robin" genre, the... but why go on? If you're an SF fan, chances are you'll immediately recognize one or more of your favorite "what ifs" in every episode of "The Middleman."
And that's NOT to say that this show is derivative or recycled. On the contrary, Javier Grillo-Maxauch, the creator of "The Middleman", (who quite obviously is the SF Fan Supreme) has given every "what-if", every "do you suppose", every "could it be" that form the basis of all good SF tales those special little JG-M twists that raise his premises from "gosh darn good" (to paraphrase MM himself) to truly outstanding.
So. You start with a great concept; add exceptional writing (and, may I say, writing that was much too adult for ABC Family, the cable station that aired the episodes and dropped them after only twelve episodes); follow with casting that is absolutely spot-on for each character (I mean, even with the great writing, many actors would fail to make the Middleman anything other than a Dudley Do-right caricature, but Matt Keesler makes his nameless MM a three dimensional person -- even if he *does* drink milk and eschew any language more colorful than "heck" or "darn"); and finally, have directors who know how to handle parody and satire without making it so "over-the-top" that it fails to connect. The result will be that you have a timeless series.
I was hooked right from the start of the first episode, when Wendy Watson (Natalie Morales), our soon-to-be Middleman-in-training (Middlewoman? Middleperson? Middlebeing?), was completely unflappable in the midst of being attacked by a composite monster created in a genetics experiment gone wrong: "Andromeda Strain" sub-genre, of course. And I was *really* hooked the first time we met Wendy's roommate, Lacey Thornfield (Brit Morgan), and realized that in these two young women Grillo-Maxauch had given us two strong female roles unlike any others on TV.
And yes, with gorgeous guys and beautiful women on display, the romance genre is definitely on view here, in all its permutations: true love, unrequited love, love denied, love willingly embraced, etc, etc, etc. Interestingly, the requisite UST (unresolved sexual tension, for those who don't recognize the initials) in this show is not between MM and Wendy, but rather between MM and Lacey (who would really much rather NOT have her love be unrequited, thank you very kindly -- and I agree, which is why I adore the twist in the final episode which does, and yet doesn't, resolve the unresolvable).
So, we have both the SF and the romantic fiction genres in this show. What else? There's enough action-adventure to please any fan of the genre, enough friendship to satisfy any buddy-movie fan (the relationship between Wendy and MM and between Wendy and Lacey both qualify in this category), and enough "secret shadow government/agency" shticks to grab the Bourne audience -- provided they're willing to accept humor in the plots to take over the world.
I loved the show so much, I paid $1.99 per episode from i-tunes "just in case" the show never made it to DVD. But even with all the episodes sitting on my computer, I'm *still* gonna shell out the money to pick this set up as soon as it's released. The Middleman needs his fans."
L. Housley | USA | 03/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This show aired on ABC Family, so it didn't get many viewers. It started out at 8 but then moved to 10 because the subject matter, I guess. I didn't know what to expect from the show when it started but I grew to love it and can't wait to get the dvds. I want to watch it again. The creator of the show said that the show is not 100% canceled. They're in a holding pattern to see how this dvd set sells. So, I'm buying it as soon as it comes out. I can't wait. Please buy this!
Also, I'm very excited that this show is being released by Shout! Factory who has put some the best dvd sets out, including Freaks and Geeks and My So Called Life. I know that they will do this show right."
One of the greatest shows you've never seen
A. Pendleton | United States | 03/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen every episode of the Middleman numerous amounts of times and have been waiting on this DVD set since about the second episode in. Its a TV show that had a lot of things going against it, primarily its network. Who really watches shows on ABC Family? But despite that the show was a truly funny show whose crisp dialogue ( a phrase that can't be used enough when speaking of this show) sparkled with wit, pop culture, and the best of the geek references in a subtle yet well played way. It's Alias but funny. Its Buffy without the melodrama (BTVS forever though :). Its Chuck without the same people getting kidnapped every week. Its all those shows and more and you will not regret buying it. Typically I'd say netflix it but not this one. You'll want the extra features this dvd set offers and once you finish this show then you'll kick yourself for not having caught it while it was on air. Its that good of a show. This show deserves a family guy type resurrection stat!"
Diamond in the Rough
Neal Taylor | Tuscaloosa, Alabama | 03/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wow! This show...totally caught me by surprise. Wasn't doing anything the Monday night it premiered so I watched it when it came 9pm[CST] I think it was. Oh yea...watched the rerun at 11 too. Hahah! The show had captured me within the first 10 minutes. The witty banter and hilarous mastermind criminals. Always beginning their declaration of doom to the world with that usual..."My idea was so sophisticated..."(or however it goes). I'm so so sad to see this show leave the air. :(
The characters are hilarous! The interaction between them is classic. From vampiric puppets to flying zombie fish...this show has it all. And believe me...if you give this show a try you'll find something to make you love it.
P.S. Listen out for the Wilhelm scream in every episode. XDXD!"
Not just for Geeks and Freaks
Michael F. Thamarus | Fairfield, PA, USA | 03/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This show is not just for geeks and freaks. It is good entertainment and a refreshing departure from the reality shows and dramas that have taken over an already mentally limiting media. The cast has a great chemistry and the conversion from graphic novels to TV is well done. It reminds me of Get Smart meets Man From Uncle meets Science Fiction Theater but brought into the 21st Century. I loved it and found it addicting in spite of the late night schedule."