Currently Available DVDs (4) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (41)2010 - According to Greta 2008 - Phase IV 2008 - Kit Carson 2007 - Away from Her 2007 - Masterpiece Theatre The Wind in the Willows 2006 - American Experience - The Gold Rush 2006 - American Experience - Jesse James 2006 - Footsteps 2006 - Julia Child - The French Chef 2006 - American Experience - Transcontinental Railroad 2005 - American Experience - Las Vegas - An Unconventional History 2005 - American Experience Mount Rushmore 2005 - Kansas City 2005 - Count Yorga Vampire Return of Count Yorga 2004 - Julia Child America's Favorite Chef 2004 - Tanner '88 - Criterion Collection 2004 - The Front 2003 - Breaking the Surface The Greg Louganis Story 2003 - The Wes Craven Collection (Shocker/The People Under The Stairs/The Serpent And The Rainbow) 2003 - Strange Behavior 2002 - O Youth and Beauty (Broadway Theatre Archive) 2002 - The Day Reagan Was Shot 2002 - MASH 2001 - Count Yorga Vampire 2001 - Salvador (Special Edition) 2000 - Manhattan 1999 - Shocker 1997 - Year of Living Dangerously (Ws) 1984 - Cloak Dagger The Caine Mutiny Court Martial Count Yorga Vampire - Twilight Time (1970)