Currently Available DVDs (8) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (25)2011 - Miramax Triple Feature Classics Music of the Heart / Marvin's Room / Shipping News 2011 - Ceremony (Blu-ray) 2011 - Music of the Heart featuring Meryl Streep 2010 - Black Mask / Forbidden Kingdom (Two-Pack) 2010 - Inside / Sudden Fury / Black Irish 2010 - 3 Hidden Gems Inside / December Ends / Black Irish 2008 - Black Irish 2006 - Dear Wendy 2005 - Sky High (UMD for PSP) 2005 - Speak 2003 - Little Secrets/Wish Upon a Star 2000 - Music of the Heart (Miramax Collector's Series) Music of the Heart Wish Upon a Star / Little Secrets Hanna / Haywire (Double Feature)