La familia de un comandante de la policía judicial (Miguel Ángel Rodríguez), es victima del brutal asalto de unos criminales. No quedando satisfechos con el botín, violan y matan a la madre y hermana, m... more »ientras que al padre lo dejan traumatizado y sin memoria. Miguel Ángel, siendo un impecable representante de la ley, tiene que romper con todas las reglas para imponer la que el llama: MI VENGANZA. The family of a cop (Miguel Angel Rodriguez) is the victim of a brutal assault carried out by a group of sadistic criminals. Not satisfied by the murder, they rape and kill his mother and his sister while leaving the father in a state of a nervous shock. Miguel Angel, who has always been known as a wise cop, has to break every legal rule in order to impose what he calls: MY REVENGE. In Spanish No Subtitles« less