An ugly war explained
CGScammell | Southern Arizona | 09/27/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am surprised no one has yet written a review of this DVD. Issues with Mexicans are important today as they were in 1846.
A war that started over the perceived border between Texas and Mexico turned into a long and drawn-out war that at the time cost more American lives that all its previous wars to date. The historians interviewed for this documentary were unbiased; we learn about both sides and see history from both points of view.
"President Polk lied!" said one Mexican historian.
What started as a border dispute turned into an invasion of Mexico. Internal fighting in Mexico City caused the Mexican government to withdraw its troops along its northern frontier to fight the growing civil war in the capital. This was the turning point in this war; not even the Mexicans were in accord of how to fight this war against the US.
Although some of the reenactments were cheesy (there were few photographs taken of this war to be used as visuals) maps, quotes from diaries and documents were used to explain this war that took away half of Mexico's landmass and fulfilled the American dream of Manifest Destiny.
For someone who has only picked up American history within the last two years, this documentary opened up many eyes for me. I learn about Los Patricios, Irish-American deserters from the US Army who fought for the Mexican side because the Mexicans were, like the Irish, Catholic and there was much discrimination against the Irish in the 18th through 20th centuries. This is real history, both brutal and unjust but unscripted.
Oscar de la Hoya narrated parts of this documentary. "When I won that Olympic medal I won it for both countries" perhaps explains the importance of US-Mexican relations even for today.
In 1846 President Polk had offered Mexico $30 million for the land that is now our Southwest and West. Mexico refused. Two years later Mexico relented and surrendered that same landmass for a mere $15 million."
Heavy on the military history
Jill S. Beerman | SANTA MONICA, CA, US | 12/28/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD gives a good history of the Mexican-American War, particularly focusing on the battles. It also offers the views of Mexican scholars and goes into the idea of Manifest Destiny and Polk's policies. More information on the anti-war protesters such as Henry David Thoreau would be desirable, but all in all a good product for history lovers."
The Mexican - American War Simplified
James J. Varela | Sarasota, FL United States | 06/18/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a good summary of the war and does a fair job explaining the military tactics of the period and the rationale behind then President Polk's ideology of Manifest Destiny. This documentary is not for scholars but still a nice production."
Mexican american war
Tom Velazquez | USA | 10/23/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"does not give a full history of the conflict and the precusors to the war. Overall good though"