Brad S. (Snibot) from DALLAS, TX Reviewed on 3/30/2010...
I really enjoyed this story. I am usually opposed to remakes, but I haven't seen the original (it is older than I am, but I may still watch it) it seems that some of the older old movies could do with a little dusting off now and then.
The story is very cool, while there are parts that seem to have been recycled in many of our sci fi thrillers, this really does a good job with showing humans and robots living together and the problems that can arise.
The score/soundtrack is flat AWESOME! Very jazzy, though it has an almost techno feel to it, WAY cool. some of the sounds of the robots are also very very cool.
artwork is really well done, the fireworks scenes have been borrowed by a number of films (though it is possible that they themselves are borrowing.) attention to detail in this movie gets props.
voice acting is superb in Japanese, I haven't watched it in English and I probably won't for a while.
I liked this movie a lot, I would recommend it for anime fans of the sci fi genre.
Movie Reviews
Omar Khan | Von Braun | 02/20/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, for once I will not cut corners around this review, this film must be watched by everyone. It could quite possibly be the most well-done anime of all time.Now, to start off with the basics, "Metropolis" is a state-of-the-art anime that was based off of the old Osamu Tezuka ("The God of Manga", creator of "Astro Boy," "Kimba," and "Adolf" to name a few) comic from 1949. It's modern update was written by Katsuhiro Otomo ("Robot Carnival," and "Akira") and directed by Rintaro ("X:The Movie," and "Galaxy Express 999"). But you all know that after reading the shallow Amazon review from above.The film's story has been brought up again and again, so I won't go into it that much. However, I will say this, the story is executed in a form in which I would call "Noir Disney." Don't worry, it's nothing bad, it's just saying that although the film looks like it takes a childish approach to things, it tends to be a bit more on the dark side. Thus, the film seems like a very interesting blend of two different genres. Besides, Otomo takes extreme cautions with the script, knowing that the material it's based on is nearly half a century old.Characters are something to gleam over as well. Unlike "Akira," "Ghost in the Shell," or "Arcadia of my Youth" the characters have a full understanding of their emoitions. This can be credited not only to the superb animation, but also to the very talented JAPANESE (not English) voice cast. It is very easy to fall in love with all of these characters. From the robot, Pero, to the detective Shunsaku Ban, even to the enigmatic Rock of the Marduk. A rarity even in Disney movies.The animation is the real star of the show. Blanding extraordinary CGI and traditional Tezuka-style characters, the artwork teems with both powerful and simple energy that radiates from ever cell of animation. Madhouse Studios ("Ninja Scroll," "Trigun," "Cardcaptor Sakura," and several others) spent a LOT of time and effort on these breath-taking visuals. Whats more, they even put in enough effort to make the film seem as if it were alive. For example, in one scene, Shunsaku Ban is reading a book, he flips the page, but the page flips back (as it would in real life) and he turns the page back to where it was. Don't see my point? Well, considering that animation is a technique that requires A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT, the fact that they would put something as small as that gives the film a certain clarity not seen today.Last note, the Everything about the music is don't know, vivid, alive, real...I could throw out a lot of adjectives here. Its basically Dixie-Land Jazz played in the background and foreground throughout the entire film. It captures just about everything in the movie. From the city scapes, to the chase scenes, even to the little scenes like people in a bar. What's the shining note is the climax song, Ray Charles' "I Can't Stop Loving You," I won't spoil the ending but I will just say this, "Dr. Strangelove" anyone?In the end, "Metroplis" is a landmark in anime. EVERYONE should buy the DVD when it comes out, or just go to the theaters. Believe me, it is time worth spent. And if your an anime fan, you have more of a reason to go. You can't be a true otaku simply by watching "Fushigi Yugi" and "Utena" all day long. Do yourself a favor and watch this. There, I said my piece.-RW"
"I Can't Stop Loving You"
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 02/24/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Between 1947 and 1949, Osamu Tezuka - who was to become the world's best-known anime producer - issued a small series of manga about a world of the future where industrialization, robots and humanity are all at odds. Sharp class differences also contribute to the tensions of a world largely in the hands of the power hungry. Now, 50 years later, Rintaro, another famous name in anime has decided to create an film from the original manga, sparing no effort or expense.We find Metropolis in the throes of a celebration. Duke Red has completed the Ziggurat, an immensely tall building whose central tower conceals a solar weapon that will make the city the capital of the world, and Duke Red its ruler. The intricate politics of Metropolis are based on three tiers - the upper class, a vast and impoverished lower class, and beneath all else, the robots. There is great conflict over the role of the robots. Many fear them, and an anti-robot faction called the Marduks watch the streets, ready to destroy and automaton that acts out of line. Duke Red is the power behind the Marduks, but secretly he has hired Dr. Laughton, a criminal scientist, to build a super robot in the image of his daughter. This is Tima, whose destiny is to command the weapon hidden in the top of the Ziggurat.Into this come Shinsaku Ban and his nephew Kenichi. Shinsaku is a detective, come from Japan to track down Dr. Laughton. As he is doing this, Duke Red's adopted son Rock, leader of the Marduks, is plotting to destroy Laughton's lab and Tima with it. The resulting conflagration catapults Kenichi and Tima into a wild race for life with Rock right behind them. On the way, we get to see much of Metropolis's underground, bringing home the social message.The real thrust of the plot, as is often the case with anime involving robots and cyborgs is the question of what is human and what is not. Or whether that should even make a difference. Tima, who does not know she is not human, finds she is capable of wonder, love, and fear. Is she a soul in the making or a flawed machine? If she had never met Kenichi this would have been a far bitterer film, and the white doves would never get to fly.Not only is the artwork remarkable, but this is an exquisite piece of animation, smoothly combining CGI and two-dimensional animation. Sometimes the entire screen seems to be in motion. An agile eye will pick up new details on each watching. Toshiyuki Honda's music is equally satisfying. It is interesting that Tezuka refused to have this story made into a film during his life. Apparently, he thought of 'Metropolis' as an early and not especially successful effort. However, Rintaro and writer Katsuhiro Otomo (of 'Akira' fame) have much modified and expanded the story. This is a commonplace when a manga is converted to the screen, since many Japanese anime producers avoid slavish imitation if they have an opportunity to break new ground. I like to think that Tezuka would have been impressed with Rintaro's efforts even if 'Metropolis' was no longer just his story."
Nothing like the big screen
Sean Whitmore | Los Angeles, CA USA | 01/26/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was lucky enough to catch "Metropolis" playing at a theater relatively near me, and I can't recommend seeing this on the big screen enough. The sound of the film and the huge layout of the CGI Metropolis were both breathtaking. The character designs were a bit cartoony for my tastes, kinda like anime versions of the old black-and-white Popeye toons (of course, what else would you expect from the director who brought us "Astro Boy"?), but I quickly got over that. Thankfully, "Metropolis" is being released in theaters in its original Japanese with English subtitles. I shudder to think what kind of dub voices would have been used to go along with the characters' already goofy looks.The story follows a young detective named Kenichi and his uncle, who travel to the futuristic Metropolis to apprehend a scientist wanted for illegal genetic experiments. Along the way they run into such characters as the robot detective Perro (like a dog), the revolutionary Atlas, the savage and severely unbalanced bouty hunter Rock (who not only shares Mega Man's name but LOOKS like him as well), and a beautiful, enigmatic young girl named Tima. Despite the ultra cartoonish look of the film, it definetly gets dark, and quite often. Heck, every so often it gets downright morose. But unlike the terminally gloomy feel of movies like "Akira" and "Ghost in the Shell", "Metropolis" maintains a air of friendliness and hope throughout. Think of a Disney movie where you're never exactly sure how many of the characters are going to die before it's over. Or better yet, think of a cyber-punk flick as directed by Miyazaki (of "Princess Mononoke"). Or best of all, stop wasting your time reading my stupid attempts at analogies and go see "Metropolis". You'll be glad you did."
Strong Plot, But Never Fully Develops Its Ideas
Jason N. Mical | Bellevue, WA, USA | 04/29/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Based on Manga by Osamu Tenzuka (the "Godfather" of anime responsible for the familiar doe-eyed look) and adapted to the screen by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira), "Metropolis" only bears passing resemblance to the Fritz Lang film that obviously inspired it. While the animation is breathtaking and the story good, it never fully delves into the possibilities of the various philosophical problems it raises: artificial intelligence, surrender of freedom for security, and responsibility of outsiders to do the right thing. As a result, "Metropolis" ends up coming off as a really, really nice piece of fluff - one that, unfortunately, cannot compete with other `serious' anime titles like Princess Mononoke, Akira, or Grave of the Fireflies.The story alternates between Kenichi, the son of a Japanese private eye sent to the gigantic future-city of Metropolis to find a doctor who is accused of making illegal human-robot hybrids, and Rock, a slightly off-kilter policeman who is head of the fascist-leaning goon squads that kill robots and revolutionaries with equal gusto. When Rock discovers that his adoptive father, a powerful Duke who plans on taking over Metropolis, has ordered the creation of a robot that resembles his dead daughter, he attempts to kill her, but she falls into the city's seedy robot/worker underworld where she meets Kenichi. He forms a bond with her, but her innocence is soon replaced as she realizes she was created for one purpose: the completion of a mysterious ziggurat that sits at the center of Metropolis. As the story moves towards its inevitable, Akira-esque conclusion, the revolutionary workers in the city attempt to gain control, although it becomes clear they are merely pawns of a larger force.As other reviewers have noted, it's difficult not to see the strains of other movies in this one: Akira most notably, but Ghost in the Shell as well, and probably quite a few others. It's not a problem, but it makes "Metropolis" seem a little soul-less - as if it were cobbled together from stolen parts. The good parts of Fritz Lang's classic are present, but incredibly watered-down - robots with souls, workers revolting, and arrogance in power. Again, these concepts are never fully explored, leaving the viewer wondering, `great, well, what next?' It should be noted, however, that the soundtrack is a lively collection of old jazz, blues, and swing tunes, and adds a very unique side to Metropolis - probably its most outstanding feature.While many of the backgrounds are rendered, the animation is far more fluid and traditional than other recent computer-assisted efforts, most notably the short and rocky "Blood-The Last Vampire." While the viewer notices them, it's never a distraction. The characters are all animated with the traditional `super-deformed' large heads, hands, and feet, and of course eyes the size of dinner plates (if you're a cute character, anyway). The DVD is the perfect exhibition ground for this movie, as its presented in stunning anamorphic widescreen that looks so good it hurts. The colors are lush and clear, and there are two DD 5.1 soundtracks (one English, one Japanese) and - an anime first - the original Japanese track in bass-blowing DTS. There are subtitles for the purists (and hard of hearing), of course, but the dub is pretty darn good. The extras are all contained on a second small DVD similar to promotional CDs they used to hand out. It's more of a gimmick than anything, but it's your standard making-of fare and interviews. In other words, you'll watch it once and forget about it.Metropolis should probably stay in the "rent it before you buy it" category, especially if you are used to more depth from your anime. It's one of those movies that grows on you, and you end up liking it despite its problems."
I DO NOT LIKE Anime and I loved this movie...
Jay | Savannah, Ga. | 07/08/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen several anime films in the last ten years or so (anyone does who has friends who draw, I think) and most of it has either left me disgusted or, even if impressed by the animation, bored and wondering why I didn't just watch Bugs Bunny instead.
Up until now the best one I had seen was "Princess Mononoke", and it was tedious for a good twenty minutes right in the middle of the film.
Metropolis, however, transcends Japanimation.
I thought, watching it, that if someone made a live-action version of this, shot for shot, it would undoubtedly be the highest grossing film in history, and probably take home the Best Picture Oscar. Not that there is anything in it that can really be called "acting", and the story, though very deep (especially for anime) and thought-provoking, is not one of the most thrilling ever told.
However, a combination of tightly direction action (and repose), a script universal and yet human enough to make you genuinely care about these 2-D characters--and some of the most amazing visuals ever juxtaposed on screen--make Metropolis a high quality SF FILM and the fact that is it animated and tied to a dubious genre is almost negligible.
Except, of course, that you will marvel that something so epic and detailed can go from an idea in a man's head, to a drawing, to the setting for a world that will make your seen your own in a new way..."