Rottenberg's rotten book review | nyc | 11/26/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"It's another bout of aliens chasing pinhead humans through some high-tech ultra-secret lab (if you ever caught "X-Tro2" or "Resident Evil" you know what I'm talking about). The alien is actually a morphed human - a schmo scientist infected when he's bitten by an alien specimen. Just to give you an idea of the flick's many lapses in reason - the guy is experimenting on a nasty looking alien looking like a pair of jaws with a body wrapped around it. When he accidentally drives the creature into a rage, it bites him severely. Now the alien looks pretty dangerous, so the scientist uses a glove-box...which proves nowhere near sufficient to keep him safe. (You call yourself a scientist?!). The flick starts off looking pretty scary because it sounds scary - heavy breathing makes you think that something is always about to pop-out. Eventually, the metamorphosis is complete, and the scientist turns into something huge and loud (but not so huge that it can't navigate the lab's narrow hallways, or so loud that it won't warn away its prey). Although this is a bio-chemical lab, there's some nuclear proton thingee kept in a room big enough to let the alien thingee in. Also, despite the hazards involved, the sole support our heroes can rely on is a dim-witted security guard who's armed with the world's only nine-shot revolver. Weak FX, dumb lines (and not in the fun way) and dim characters make this a movie you want to fast-forward through - only to confront a dumb ending. Is it so hard to make a flick that's funny or that can at least poke fun at itself in the "Basket Case" or "Evil Dead" mold."
Pretty cool,
Rottenberg's rotten book review | 10/03/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this was a surprisingly good sci-fi/horror entry.
it is about a genetic engineer who is bitten by a creature that causes him to morph into a monster that looks like a
cross between a Elephant and a Alligator. Then, many other lab
monsters and mutants escape from the high security lab. The
special effects are exellent and it is well directed.
worth buying."
Little suspence, good effects.
Julie B. Thompson | Pembroke, MA United States | 12/03/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Like "The fly" and "aliens", the special FX in this are exellent.
their is obviously alot of time and Creativity put into the FX.
But, the script, and the actinng, on the other hand, are not that good, witch make it feel a bit fun to watch. If you have an hour or so to kill, give this one a try, or, rent one of the other bigger budget movies that managed to do it with more money and alot more intrest. Worth a look, i guess.............."
Great special effects!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALEX THOMPSON | pembroke, england | 08/26/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this movie!it awesome creature effects designed by R.S. Cole, decent plot etc. this is one of best monster movies I have ever seen! if you are a monster fan like myself, you can't afford to miss this special-effects extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Outstanding creature effects,
ALEX THOMPSON | 09/23/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this is my favriote movie ever! it had a superb B-movie plot as well as a great monster that looked like the monster from john carpenter's "the thing". the movie has obviousley made the best of its low budget. the special effects and the plot are the real good qualities here."