Somebody stop the pain...
man_invisible | Dork, PA | 02/19/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Irritating accents, implausible character motivation, and a script that is constantly pulling itself in opposite directions makes the viewer question how Meir Zarchi keeps a clear thought, let alone direct a 90-minute film... That's the feeling I got with "Don't Mess With My Sister!", a low-budget stinker that's riddled with bad writing, acting, direction, and just about everything else... Okay, Zarchi's previous (and only other) effort, "I Spit on Your Grave," was just as confused but more well-done on a technical level than this piece of junk. The exploitation elements are sadly missing (a single nude scene, and action so poorly directed it's laughable) and the film's self-important 'message' (forced marriages will make men snap and sleep with belly dancers!) will leave you groaning."
ribcage | Lantana, Florida United States | 08/14/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is totally confusing. The plot is pretty easy to follow, no problems there, but you're left confused as to why any of it should be happening and especially who you should be empathizing with(the answer apparently: no one).
That was my big problem. I never knew who I should like or hate wholeheartedly. Everyone was always being awful with random moments of shining redemption that made me like them before they rushed off to get back into being awful. Is it wrong to ask that I at least have someone to root for(or entirely against) in a movie? Everyone was hateful and annoying and stupid and then occassionally they'd do something that was beautifully humane but of course it didn't fit. At all.
This movie is a mess. I got it in the two-pack with I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, so I'm not as upset as I would be, but yeah. If you ABSOLUTELY must have this movie get it with the two-pack. Otherwise, skip it, skip the two-pack, just get the nice version of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE."
Not as good as I Spit on your Grave
Leo Delima | Jupiter Fl. | 10/16/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is yet another one of those situations where not everyone will want this movie. The one problem with this movie is th fact that it doesn't rally have an ending, and the story is a little pointless, and not in that fun grindhouse way. Aside from these 2 major problems The actors a good (most of them), the writings inproved as well as the cinematography. On a slightly bigger budget he could afford to make it look better... but not everything is as it seems.
If you're looking for some good old revenge fueled carnage, grab I Spit on your Grave, Meir Zarchi's first, best and only other attempt. As for Do't Mess With My Sister; unless you can find it for under 5 dollars... don't buy it. I will probably never watch it again, but it's great for the collection."