Innovative for its time, but now outdated
Dancing Ganesha | Bangalore, India | 10/08/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen all of the other "Whispering Corridor" films (One, three, and four), but waited to see this one until recently. I can't say that I was impressed. Maybe the film was remarkable in its time, and maybe we've all seen the repetition of the themes of these films for the ideas to seem fresh and innovative, but at the same time, there are some definite faults present.
First of all, the film consisted of too much hysterical girlschool behaviour -- too many catfights and nonsense of the sort that took one's attention away from other important aspects of the film. The ending, as some have noted, was also less than grand.
Perhaps this film did a good job in its time of presenting us with social issues in an innovative and creative way, but it no longer seems to have the same verve that it probably once did. I have found that other films can tackle these social problems in a more interesting manner, and they don't always have to be about forbidden desire and secrets. The last Whispering Corridors (Voice Letter) sort of tackles these issues again, and I wasn't much impressed by that aspect either; however, the last film was a bit more cohesive. By far, the best of these Whispering Corridors films would be Wishing Stairs. It is ambiguous in many ways, but focuses more on the horror aspect. In some ways, it goes back to its roots (Whispering Corridors No. 1) and completes a full circle. In this regard, Voice Letter is also a disappointment."
Star-Crossed Lovers and a Book that makes one Feel
TastyBabySyndrome | "Daddy Dagon's Daycare" - Proud Sponsor of the Lit | 08/17/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of my FAVORITE Whispering Corridors stories because it takes things and plays with them, leading you to wonder what exactly has happened. Sure, it looks like one thing happened but, really, has it?
The story focuses on a book that is found, a diary, that records a love affair between two females. The two that are involved are an odd match but the book they make - it is amazing. I cannot pu this too lightly because this prop is one of the things that makes the story work - if they had one I would by it simply because it grasps at you and holds you tightly.
The problem here is that something happens and, out of that something, a suicide comes. The problem is that the death seems a little off and, frankly, nobody knows exactly what has happened. Was it love that drove this? Was it hate that drove something else? Or did it not have a driver and walk an even more crooked path?
I really like the stories that take place at the girl's school and i liked this because it had so much to give. The relationship seems so realistic to me and, for a while, I wanted to grasp the two character's hands and say "thinks are fine, you know?" That's the mark of good acting and good storytelling - i felt for these people and I wanted them to beat the odds. Everything hinged on this one book i mentioned, too, one with secrets layered uon secrets. It made everything seem beasutiful and it made you feel for the people playing here.
I want success and the death - it hurt in some ways because it was suppose to.
As far as a horror movie, you are looking at something more ghostly than ghastly and that is how the stories here exist. Is that bad - not at all. what it is actually sits upon an axis of interest, turning and making me really feel when something comes down. Then the plot twists, the world turns, and you wonder what is what.
If you want to check out the Whispering Corridors stories, they work differently and do not have to be in orde.r You have a reference or two in one movie but, other than that, it isn't something you need to carry a compendium just to recall all the ups and downs. I loved this one out of all the others - i know i said that - but it was because this was a horror that had something else in it. The love in it was not twisted or ugly; it was beautiful and taboo perhaps, butit felt real enough.
Watch it - you'll enjoy the showing."