Villainy is a way of life, but if a villain doesn't have a hero to battle, can he still expect the same sense of satisfaction from his evil deeds? When Megamind (Will Ferrell) finally defeats his long-time nemesis Metro Ma... more »n (Brad Pitt), he ecstatically goes about laying ruin to Metro City, reveling in the fact that he can now have anything he wants. Surprisingly, Megamind's glee quickly turns to dissatisfaction as he realizes that the battle was half the fun and everything comes too easy now. Thus begins a plot to turn the nerdy Hal (Jonah Hill) into Tighten, a new hero for Megamind to battle. What Megamind doesn't count on is that Tighten may not turn out to be as good as he's meant to be. Nor does he anticipate falling in love with his old rival's girl Roxanne Ritchi (Tina Fey). In the end, Megamind finds he must rethink his assumptions about good, bad, and what makes him happy. Megamind and Despicable Me are remarkably similar movies: both deal with villains who are unfulfilled by their evil ways and who, despite their despicable natures, have some essential goodness deep down inside. Both villains are presented in highly stylized animation and the 3-D effects in each film are skillful and effective without being overdone. Megamind has Minion, who watches over him, while Gru has a whole crew of mindless minions supporting his evil ventures. Finally, both films are solidly entertaining. Because the two films were released within a few months of one another, speculation about who copied who will no doubt run rampant, but the bottom line is that both films are well worth seeing. (Ages 7 and older) --Tami Horiuchi« less