Dude, it's got a Mega Shark! AND a Giant Octopus! AND former 80s teen queen Debbie Gibson (!) as a crusading oceanographer! Put 'em all together and that spells AWESOMENESS!
...seriously, though, this was pretty bad (but in a "so bad it's good" way). Acting sucks, script is laughable, the "special effects" are minimal, and the title characters look like tub toys swimming in dish water. Still, I laughed my ass off throughout and enjoyed it thoroughly. There's just something about Giant Monster movies that brings out my inner eight year old.
Watch only if you like really bad movies, have a crush on Debbie Gibson, or you're a masochist.
Movie Reviews
Pretty much what you expect
Daniel Fletcher | 05/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Simply put, if you're here reading reviews about this movie you probably know exactly what to expect out of it, and already know if this is something you will enjoy or not.
It's a wonderfully cheesy movie chock full of over the top moments that border on being just plain silly, but that's the way I like it. If you're a fan of B movies do yourself a favor and give this a watch."
MegaGiant Cheesy fun
Glenn Like | 07/06/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you don't know that this is a cheesy movie by the title or the cover, there is no hope for you. Where else can you see a giant shark eat the Golden Gate Bridge? Or a giant octopus swat down jets? That would be enough to make me buy it."
It's so much fun!
Gregory Holmes | 09/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although this movie has a far bigger ambition than budget, it still manageed to delight and entertain me throughout all of its 89 minutes. It's by far the best movie THE ASYLUM has produced yet and while it certainly isn't up to the production standards of big budget hollywood stuff, it is often far more entertaining than the overblown hype Michael Bay and his ilk come up with. Honestly, the movie has a very striking, almost psychodelic look with loads of wild, garish lighting and lurid color schemes. The editing is fast and frantic and the visual effects are occasionally almost passable. The acting is over the top (and lots of fun) and the script is really out there. I truly enjoyed and appreciated this thing a lot. The DVD transfer is especially excellent and on an upconverting DVD player it often approaches bluray picture quality. The super aggressive Dolby 5.1 surround sound will also give your subwoofer a real workout (although dialog is sometimes a bit distorted). Plenty of surround effects as well for an emersive experience. The premise of this one is so goofy and it moves along with a giddy speed that kept me smiling from start to finish. I loved it."
Mega Dud.
M. S. Skidmore | Kinver, United Kingdom | 08/15/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Well, where do we begin? With a title that promises to be a trashy fun time only to be let down by the reality of what the production has to realistically offer: Which isn't much. Unfunny, dull and frankly quite boring - 'Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus' should be done by the trades description act.
When you usually go into movies like this, you're not exactly expecting high art, just 90 minutes of fish on squid action with a little light humor spliced with solid direction and a sly 'wink wink' from the production company that they're in on the joke as well. Unfortunately, the joke seems to be the last thing on everyone's mind as this turgid dull-o-rama is nothing more than the next in a long line of sci-fi movie style actioners that clutter our video shelves and usually star TV stars well past their sell by date. Which, to be fair - this nearly does.
One time teen idol Deborah Gibson essays the lead role of Emma McNeil, a hot shot but down on her luck scientist who discovers that the mega shark and giant octopus of the title are buried in ice under the sea. Before you can say 'Jaws rip off number 103', the two beasties are loose and chomping up aircraft carriers, oil rigs and in the movie's best moment, an aeroplane. Aided by her former professor Lamar Sanders (a trying hard to rise above it all Sean Lawlor) and unconvincing love interest Seiji Shimada (played as if in a coma by Vic Chao), Gibson comes face to face with the prehistoric duo (the shark and octopus, not her professor and love interest) in a climactic fight to the death. Hampered along the way by Lorenzo Lamas, who offers nothing more than his slick back hair and swearing for no apparent reason other than he might be annoyed that he has to get up out of his bed in the morning to film this trash, and there you have pretty much the movie in a nutshell.
With awful dialogue, terrible direction, low production values and dud acting across the board - this really is a no brain exercise. Now, I know the production company The Asylum specialise in this kind of material, but they could at least put a little genuine humor and effort into the proceedings. You get the impression that they came up with the title, designed a poster and then thought 'sheesh, now we gotta make it?'. To be honest, other movies of this ilk like 'Deep Blue Sea' and pant wetting gem 'Shark Attack 3: Megalodon' are far more entertaining as at least they get the joke and offer enough low budget thrills to make you forget what you are watching... this one is simply dull and lacklustre.
The DVD presentation is passable, with an average picture and sound. All in all, a pretty bad effort. Don't get suckered in by the funky cover and 'well, it might be a laugh with my mates with a few beers' schtick - this one will just give your fast forward button a work out, with no laughs to be had throughout. Unless, you find 90 minutes of fake sets and awful CGI a laugh riot, that is. If you want true comedy, rent 'Jaws the Revenge' out instead. It maybe old and it maybe rubbish, but it's light years ahead of this drivel. And, 'ol jaws roars. You don't get to see things like that everyday..."
Megashark vs. Giant Octopus
Douglas S. Gordon | Hollywood, CA | 07/24/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"One giant mistake. I watched this movie based on the comments of the of the previous viewers and I just couldn't believe my eyes of the concoction of somebody in Hollywood. In short, this film indicates to me how stupid some writers are. Definately a waste of money. Not even worth $0.25. A good production for say some company in 4th rate country, just maybe....."