Meatball Machine is a wild, splatterific, experimental sci-fi/horror rollercoaster that will have your entire brain and body shaken and stirred. Capable of making biomechanical weapons out of human flesh, alien parasites g... more »rotesquely invade the Earth, turning their hosts into maniacal killers who seek and destroy each other to the bloody death! And yes, it s also a human love story, even though the budding romantics are infested with slimy, tumor-like globules. Codirectors Junichi Yamamoto and Yudai Yamaguchi (Battlefield Baseball) pull out all the stops and don t let up until the final epic battle. It s a touching testament to young love, blood, and alien ooze that leaves you screaming for more!« less
"I believe that Meatball Machine was made for the sole purpose of grossing the hell out of people!! And if that's the case, it did a REALLY DAMN GOOD JOB!!! It forever will hold the place in my movie collection as the bloodiest, most disgusting, most disturbing, most downright chilling horror movie I've ever seen!!
There was the one scene where the girl gets her eyes drilled, and I almost lost it. I almost popped the DVD out of the player and ran away! It was so gross and disturbing!! It haunts me!!
Meatball Machine is more disturbing the Saw movies.
Meatball Machine is bloodier than Dead Alive, and YES, it is possible.
Meatball Machine is funnier than Knocked Up.
Meatball Machine is scarier than The Sixth Sense.
Meatball Machine is more of a must buy than any DVD/DVD Box Set you'll ever want in your life.
It's a must-buy movie, because it will make you disturbed. It is vomit-enducing, but so entertaining at the same time. It is very much a must-buy horror movie, because it is one big bloody cake of genres that you will love."
Everything "Tetsuo" Should Have Been.
Captain Insanity | NY | 11/02/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Meatball Machine"
A great silly title, for a great silly movie,
It's essentially a cross between "Tesuo: the Iron" and a Gwar video with an Evil Dead vibe going on.
Fetus-Aliens in their bizarre tentacle-ships attach themselves to people's chests and orifices,
and transform them into mechanical killing machines (called necroborgs)
hell-bent on eating each other,
which they need to do in order to live.
Sound wacky enough?
Well it is, but it's still very enjoyable.
Suprisingly, there's a love story here too.
But don't worry that doesn't detract from all the off-the-wall silliness.
Here's a few reasons you might want to catch this flick:
- Lots of great blood & gore, (eye-drilling, head-splitting, etc.)
- A whole bunch of wild battles,
- Bizarre transformations involving whipping red hoses and internal mayhem,
- Psychotic costumes
- Disgusting/gorgeous aliens
- All the campy laughs and blood you could possibly want.
The only thing better than a man-made machine,
is a machine made out of man."
Rubber suit machine
Carl Heiden | Portland oregon usa | 07/13/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This movie has a great looking box. This movie has a great title. There are assuredly 20 bar bands at this moment, performing Monday and Thursday nights throughout this great land, now proudly brandishing "Meatball machine" on their fliers passed out in the local community college cafeteria. Terrific bizarre plot that is most assuredly ambitious and I was pulling for this one. Admittedly I'm kinda on the fence with the camp elements in Japanese "cyberpunk" genre. However CITIZEN CANE was not expected. I'm writing this review because it might be helpful for some of us/you B movie fans that are drooling at the dvd box picture and really want to hit that "one click buy" so they can sleep tonight. I know this movie is appealing just being displayed on the shelf or put on your collection list. But some of you should know The MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION before you left click that mouse... hold on... If your a; "I just can't stand rubber suits kinda guy or gal". And you know who you are, then this movie will become tedious fast. I couldn't finish M.M. glad I saw it, but wish I hadn't bought it. Gave it away to a friend who probably didn't even notice the afore mentioned offense. It deserves a decent home where someone can love and nourish it."
It was alright
J. Miller | Kansas | 07/08/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"There were some good scenes of gore, but it is in no way gorier than Dead Alive (Brain Dead). Meatball Machine is like a really demented Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie. All of the monsters look like bad guys from that kids show. The fighting between the monsters wasn't that great.
I wasn't looking for a masterpiece, but I wasn't looking for a kids movie with gore added to it. Some of the bloody goodness was awesome. Heads split in half, eyes getting drilled out, and much more. The parasites that take over the humans are pretty cool looking too. It was worth the watch but not sure if I'll watch it again."
AMP | Somewhere on Earth | 07/20/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Good Things
*Grossest movie ever! Loads of blood and perversity! (Reminds me a lot of the anime show "Gantz").
*A few good gory fight scenes.
*Good filming style. Lots of good camera angles. Has a distinctive look and style.
*Production design is good. Imagine the monsters from the "Quake" or "Unreal" computer games in a movie.
*Simple but interesting story.
*Surprisingly good characters. Although many of them are perverts, the main character spends much of the film trying to act noble.
*Romance is not overwhelmingly sappy, and is touching at some parts.
The Bad Things
*The squeamish should avoid this like the plague.
*Pretty low production value (but the quality of the cinematography makes up for it).
Ah, so this is what "Gantz" looks like if it was a live-action movie! Not only are the two gory as hell, but they also share similar themes and attitudes of sexuality. Plus, both deal with freaky aliens and stuff. Unlike "Gantz," however, this film works better at being scary and immersive. This is definately one of the better B-rated movies I know of, but it's not for anybody with a weak stomach.
DVD has good video and sound quality, and contains a couple of featurettes, two additonal films ("Maximum Meatball Machine" and "The Original Meatball Machine"), and trailers."