A gentle, relaxing, Pilates-based stretch workout
Beth Cholette | Upstate NY USA | 09/15/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Maui Pilates: Abs Made Easy is led by instructor Eva Bander and filmed on a Hawaiian beach. Although it isn't quite as focused on abs as the title suggests, it is certainly "easy" in that it's a very gentle program, more of a mat-based stretching routine with some Pilates moves thrown in. The DVD is chaptered to include a short Introduction by Eva, and the workout itself includes three segments, Warm-Up, Abs, and Back.
Surprisingly, the Warm-Up was the longest section at 20.5 minutes. Eva begins in a seated cross-legged position for breathing, overhead reaches, shoulder rolls, and spine/neck stretches; she also brings the legs forward for a seated forward bend. She then moves into a side saddle position for a slow twist to both sides, and she continues stretching with the legs in cobbler's and straddle positions. The Pilates mermaid follows, and finally, Eva comes back to a cross-legged position for some final shoulder/neck stretches to complete the warm-up. For the 18-minute Abs segment, Eva continues to move at a very slow, leisurely place. She performs a half roll-up, bringing one knee in at a time, and then slowly moves into the single leg stretch. Other Pilates moves follow, including bridge and scissors (single straight let stretch). Eva performs a lying twist with both knees bent, turning this into oblique work by rolling one arm to meet the other. She continues to work the abs with a simple curl, a held curl, and a modified roll-back. A hamstring stretch/ankle roll transitions into leg lowers, and Eva ends the abs work with a seated twist.
The final segment of the workout focuses on the back (10.5) minutes. Starting in an all fours (tabletop) position, Eva has you arch and round your back to stretch the spine, then balance while lifting opposite arm/opposite leg. In a prone position, she performs a back extension (cobra) and hamstring stretches. Next comes a flowing series which starts in down dog, moves to the knees for chest opening/breathing, then returns to down do, repeating once. Coming to standing, Eva takes a final few breaths to conclude the workout at 51 minutes. Throughout the practice, Eva frequently adds extra stretching between the moves, such as pointing and flexing the feet. The overall feel is that of a gentle stretching routine rather than a traditional Pilates matwork practice, so those hoping for the latter are likely to be disappointed. This video is probably best suited to those looking for a relatively easy stretching program which specifically (but not intensely) targets the abs and back."
Very good therapeutic yoga/pilates mix
YogaKat | Oregon United States | 01/01/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD may be better entitled therapeutic pilates for back & abs. It is a very relaxing, slow moving routine that will help people with chronic back and body pain and/or older people. I use it on days when I am not feeling well to get some movement and stretching throughout my body. Eva Bondar has developed this all-floor routine (no standing required) with a lovely ocean front setting. The filming is somewhat low resolution and a bit of haze in the air on this day on the west coast of Maui (quite common). There is no music, but you can hear the ocean waves as Eva narrates with voice over. The routine is primarily yoga postures with a good hold times, repeats, and breathing. There's lots of forward bends, back bends, and side bends. There are only a few pilates moves and it may be boring if you're looking for a challenging pilates workout.
Some of my favorite stretches are included with interesting variation. Eva adds point/flexing, rotations, relaxation, and breathing throughout the routine. It consists of three sections warm-up stretching, abs, and back. You can do the individual short segments, or all together and the DVD is well menu so you can pick and choose. Each of the three segments varies in length from 10-20 minutes (warm-up is the longest section).
Warm-up stretching:
Moving breathing
Neck stretch
Point and flex feet
Forward bend
Mermaid twist
Seated cat/cow (arching and rounding)
Wide leg feet flex/point, forward bend, twist, and moving side bends
Tiny ball crunch
Side bend stretch
Shoulder rolls and stretch
Full body lying stretch with alternate knee stretch (pilates)
Knee in stretch/relax
Bridge (moving and breathing, then holding
Scissors (pilates)
Lying twists with arm movements
Simple abdominal crunches
Sitting and lowering back to floor (ab work)
Lying leg movements (lower abs)
Seated forward stretch and twists
All fours arching and rounding (cat/cow)
All fours arm/leg balance
On tummy, moving cobra, then hamstring curl
Childs pose
Down Dog (several times)
Kneeling chest and back opening with breathing
Ends with standing breathing, namaste.
Please read my other exercise, yoga, and tai chi reviews on amazon or check out worldturning dot com.
Relaxing Workout
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 05/12/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Eva Bondar presents a fairly low impact workout that moves at a very slow pace. Even though you are not working at a fast pace you can feel the exercises working. This workout begins in a seated position and then moves into back, neck and leg stretches. Each stretching exercise properly prepares the body for more intense exercises. The exercises presented include: mermaid, single-leg pull, bridge, scissors and curls (sit-ups). The back exercises include: cat/cow and cobra. There is a relaxing child's pose and then a downward dog and hanging forward bend. As you can see from the short list of exercises this moves at a slow pace and emphasis is placed on doing the exercises with a sense of precision. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who is advanced but maybe it will work for intermediates and beginners. The deep breathing throughout is relaxing and the sound of the waves in the background make this a very soothing workout.
~The Rebecca Review
Promotes presence of mind and strength in core
Jessica | New York | 05/07/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really like the pacing of this workout. Eva goes slow and calm, at the pace that really allows you to experience your body and get the most out of each move. Many Instructors will try to rush you to fit a cluttered busy workout into an hour. This video gives you the chance to focus your attention inward for a guided routine that benefits mind and body."