Cut Version
F. Basar | turkey | 04/28/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD contains the cut version.Beware from that DVD.Some hot scenes are cut.For example in the edited version sex scene between Cristopher Casenova and Sylvia Kristel is longer.He kisses her va... .Censoured version omits that scene.Scene is also very long.All "R" rated versions are cut."
Sylvia OH Sylvia
rkenter | Madras, Tamil Nadu, India | 10/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Sex screen legend Syliva Kristel stars as the (in)famous legendary spy around the time of World War 1 (1914-1918). Masquerading as an exotic dancer, she gathers intelligence information for the Germans and later for the French. Sylvia Kristel's steamy sequences with stars Christopher Cazenove and Oliver Tobias are reason alone to buy this DVD. Recommended."
Viewers Spies on Mata Kristel Abilities!
Maximiliano F Yofre | Buenos Aires, Argentina | 06/01/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"As I say in my Amazon's AYA page I'm a history buff and thought this film will show some interesting issues of the mysterious life of spies.
Well... it doesn't.
The film show some interesting issues of Sylvia Kristel abilities, but for watching her aptitudes at her best you must see "Emmanuelle" saga.
If you want to see some verisimilar tale about Mata Hari you should refer to two of the previous versions: "Mata Hari" (1931) starring unforgettable Greta Garbo and Ramon Novarro or "Mata Hari" (1964) starring Jeanne Moreau and Jean-Louis Tringtignant.
The present movie is sub-par in every item you may choose to evaluate.
Skip it!
Reviewed by Max Yofre."