Deep within the desperate hearts of the bereaved, there is a pact with the forces of darkness that demands new blood to resurrect the souls of the dead. Lori Petty ( A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN and TANK GIRL) stars as a grieving... more » mother with a remote estate, a ghastly secret, and a locked basement where abducted teen outcasts await an evil that feasts upon their virgin flesh. But to satisfy a parent?s depraved bargain, the beast must feed one final time. And tonight, the ultimate horror will begin for those who do not heed the hunger of THE FAIR HAIRED CHILD. Lindsay Pulsipher and William Samples co-star in this relentlessly creepy saga scripted by Matt Greenberg (HALLOWEEN H20, REIGN OF FIRE) and directed by William Malone that The Horror Channel calls "a perfect dark fairy tale?one of the most solid and impressive episodes to dateDVD Features:Widescreen Presentation,AUDIO COMMENTARY WITH WRITER MATT GREENBERG AND DIRECTOR WILLIAM MALONE,BEHIND THE SCENES: THE MAKING OF THE FAIR HAIRED CHILD,DVD-ROM: SCREEN SAVER OVER 3 HOURS OF BONUS FEATURES DVD-ROM: SCREENPLAY,ON SET: AN INTERVIEW WITH JESSE HADDOCK,ON SET: AN INTERVIEW WITH LINDSAY PULSIPHER,ON SET: AN INTERVIEW WITH LORI PETTY,ON SET: AN INTERVIEW WITH WILLIAM SAMPLES SCENES FROM WILLIAM MALONE'S FIRST SHORT FILM,STILL GALLERY,THE FACE OF FEAR: AN INTERVIEW WITH WILLIAM MALONE,TRAILERS,WILLIAM MALONE BIO,WORKING WITH A MASTER: WILLIAM MALONE« less
Heather M. from BERNARDSTON, MA Reviewed on 1/15/2013...
I wasn't sure what to expect from this piece; I hadn't seen any "Masters of Horror" before. It was really quite something and surprised me by having characters I came to care about. Fair Haired Child comes across like a low-budget horror film, it requires the cooperation of the viewer, one has to suspend one's disbelief and cut the film a little slack here and there. The story and characters make the whole thing work and the special effects are quite decent for a tv show.
Well worth watching.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Michelle D. from GRAFTON, MA Reviewed on 11/16/2009...
2 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sarah F. (Ferdy63) from DALTON, GA Reviewed on 9/21/2008...
Some new twists which were nice to see and a totally creepy creature. For horror fans, you'll like this one.
2 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Varinia C. from MARY ESTHER, FL Reviewed on 2/29/2008...
One of the Masters of horror movies...a pretty good one!
2 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Madelyn Pryor | Mesa, AZ United States | 01/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
Wow is about all I can say, because this movie is so good it left me speechless. I watch LOTS of horror movies, read horror books, research hauntings, and even read horror comics. It takes a lot to impress me because 99 times out of 100, I've seen it before. The Fair Haired Child blew my socks off.
Not only is this movie artfully crafted and skillfully directed, the special effects are killer. Some scenes I immediately watched again, just to catch every second of the chilling graphics. The storyline is demented, twisted, and oh so evil. The acting also doesn't disappoint in the least (who doesn't love Lori Petty?) The monster of the film is grotesque and Lovecraftian. Everything here is perfection. Normally with a running time of just under an hour -in this case, 55 minutes- you might feel cheated. However, in this case, everything about the movie is so spot on you don't mind the short time. Besides, the short time means you can watch it again right away, which is what I did.
I can't recommend this movie enough. It is trite and childish to say this deserves 8 out of 5 stars, but it does. If you are a horror fan at all, please, treat yourself to a viewing of this film. You will NOT be disappointed.
Highest possible recommendations to all horror movie buffs!!!!
Some Of The True Masters Could Take Lessons From This Relati
K. Harris | Las Vegas, NV | 12/06/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not quite sure that "House on Haunted Hill" and "FeardotCom" qualified William Malone to be called a Master of Horror in the Showtime anthology series--but we'll have that debate later. Considering the uneven quality of many of the episodes, the real surprise is that Malone surpasses many of the more acclaimed directors. "The Fair-Haired Child" is definitely a solid, if not great, episode in the infuriatingly inconsistent "Masters of Horror." In fact, "Child" (considering his resume) might be Malone's most effective work yet.
The tale begins with the abduction of a young girl. Trapped by a couple, led by a gloriously deranged Lori Petty, she is locked in their basement with another child. Forming a tentative friendship with the mute boy, she eventually learns that they will be involved in some sort of ritual to bring the couple's deceased child back to life. Let's just say that they made a pact with the devil that involves child sacrifice and a rather unpleasant beastie.
The mood and atmosphere of "Child" are genuinely creepy, the performances good, and the effects are nice. The spooky ambiance and brisk pace distinguish this tale from some of the others. This certainly isn't a groundbreaking work, though. You've seen elements of this story in many other films. However, it is put together with confidence and competence. I enjoyed "The Fair-Haired Child," and would rate it at 3 1/2 star if possible. Not the best the show had to offer--but far, far, far from the worst. KGHarris, 12/06."
Masters of Horror - Fair Haired Child
Angel L. Rivera | 08/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very good, scary and thrilling.. I was surprised at what they were able to do with such little time. You'll enjoy this one."
Worthy entry from a debatable "Master of Horror"
K. Ishak | 05/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This has turned out to be my favourite "Masters of Horror" episode. Compared to names like John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper and Dario Argento, I was all "who's William Malone?" He did "House on Haunted Hill"? "Feardotcom"? Bah! Neither impressed me. How can Malone be a "Master of Horror"? And then he wowed me with this episode. It's demented, gripping and I'm drawn in completely to this story. I loved its twisted happy ending!"
Great Special Effects
Charles Mauk | Jonesborough, TN | 04/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The originality of the special effects make this episode worth the price of the DVD. Director Bill Malone uses a camera running at quarter speed to create the illusion of the cellar creature moving jerkily like a fly. This is a great innovation which does not depend on a lot of fancy (and expensive) digital effects. Also, the face-squashing scene near the end of the film (which only lasts a few seconds and uses only three or four frames of digital effects) is brilliant in it's simplicity and shock value. Whereas the beheading scene of a female victim in another epsode proved to be nauseous in it's realism, Bill's digital morph from face to chicken breast implanted with an eye doesn't cause the viewer to toss his/her cookies... and is a lot more fun because it happens so quickly and also because it's... just so weird! Great scene, Bill!"