If you love this movie, pick up this new version!
Allen Chapman | STAFFORD SPRINGS, CT USA | 09/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This new directors cut of "Mask" blows away the orginal DVD release. I'm not going to go on about how great the movie is, by now everyone already knows that. I will talk about this edition however. First of all the print is far clearer and more crisp than the original DVD issue. Next of course is the inclusion of the original Bruce Springsteen soundtrack which was recorded but never used in the theatrical and home video releases. In it's place was a Bob Seger soundtrack which was great, but not the original choice. The movie was shot with Springsteen in mind and in fact Rocky has a Springsteen poster hanging in his room. But Bruce is back and used to great effect. His music was used to set a timeline which was lost when the Seger songs were used.
Also included are 8 mins of deleted scenes that have been edited back into the film. One of these scenes (which was sort of referred to in the theatrical version) is a song sung by Rusty (Cher) and Rocky (Eric Stoltz). The song is "Little Egypt" and the scene runs about 4 mins. The other scene is one where one of the bikers dies and his funeral, again this was never before seen.
And finally, there is an easter egg of sorts, at the very end of credits, after a minute or two, Cher comes on screen and speaks about the craniofacial disease and how you can help.
I've always loved the Seger music in the film, particularly "Roll Me Away" at the end. But the Springsteen music works very well too, and as I said, is used as a timeline.
Director Peter Bogdonovich does a commentary as well as a 20 min interview about the movie. As I said in my headline, if you love this movie you will want this new edition, it's well worth it."
Real and Moving
Allen Chapman | 12/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mask is one of those rare "true story" movies that remains that way when it hits the big screen. It also houses an absolutely fabulous performance by Cher, as well as by Eric Stoltz.Mask is about a boy named Rocky Dennis who is well above average in every way. If it weren't for a degenerative disease that horribly disfigured his face since birth, the world would probably see him that way. At first, those that meet him are understandably nervous and scared, but with an airy confidence, he wins his classmates and peers over.That confidence comes from his mother, played by Cher. She is an attractive, drug addicted single mother with an on again, off again fling with Gar, played by Sam Elliot. Cher convincingly and movingly plays a mother riddled with insecurites, but in love with her son, who represents to her all she wishes she could be. She was born with the huge advantage of being beautiful, she dropped out of school and got pregnant. She lookes at Rocky and sees someone who was born with every disadvantage (a disfigured face and a short life) and who is confident, responsible, hardworking, and happy. He is also valedictorian of his high school class. Ever since she had Rocky, she has been strong and tough, making it clear that Rocky will not be treated any differently than anyone else. Rocky takes from that confidence and gives it back to his Mom with the way he lives his life...getting up every morning, facing the world, being happy, taking care of himself, and preparing for and dreaming of a future that he may never have. Her hatred for herself is transcended only by her pure love and open admiration for her son.I have seen Mask a number of times over the years, but I have to say it gets me every time. It is a movie that deals, realistically and truthfully with a disease that seems almost unreal. But the lessons learned and the topics raised have little to do with the "Mask" and more about the connection between a mother and her son."
High schoolers find Mask moving
Anthony | Sunnyvale, CA USA | 11/16/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently showed Mask, based on the true-life story of Rocky Dennis, to my high school English class. Even today's teen-agers found the relationship between the disfigured Rocky and his blind girlfriend to be sweetly touching. The two sides of Rocky's biker-chick mother (in an outstanding performance by Cher) led to fruitful writing assignments about a parent struggling with addiction who can also be an incredibly supportive mother to her son. The students were also impressed with Rocky's exemplary personal qualities. Not only was Rocky Dennis an intelligent and sensitive human being who copes with his rare disease with humor and courage, he often has to "parent" his mother, and sets challenging goals for himself despite the death sentence hanging over his head. This film gives a strong message to teens (and adults) that -- despite bad examples sometimes from parents and peers -- having a strong sense of respect for oneself, nurturing long-range personal goals and healthy interests, being kind and decent to others, and maintaining a sense of humor can get us through even the worst challenges life deals us."