Another DVD for your Martha/baking library
Toni | Chicago, Illinois United States | 01/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just to give fair warning, I am a "Martha-head", but I think I can be pretty objective. So with that in mind, once again, we have been given another treasure of a DVD. It is full of the best of her baking favorites, and per expected Martha-standard, it is perfect.
The segments have been taken from her former TV format where you are in her home as she brings you cookies, cakes, pies, and tarts and shows you how you can create any of these delightful treats, with detailed instruction and clarity. The segments are color-perfect, the sound quality on the button, and all the recipes are easy to download on your computer. But if you don't own a computer, not a problem, because she gives the ingredients and their measure as she goes along.
Something that I think people will enjoy is the "Special Features" section at the end of the DVD. You get all sorts of idea's and tips that range from creating a "Baking Pantry 101" to cake decorating tips to how to make perfect pie crusts, etc.
And one of the best additions was the "Blooper" section. Martha has taken quite a beating in regards to her alleged impatience in her pursuit of perfection but this will show you the funny and giggly side of her, with several segments that have gone a bit awry. She has a good sense of humor and she rolls with it.
As for the content itself, it goes as such:
Baking Pans 101
Basic Pie Crust: Pate Brisee
Standard Tart Dough: Pate Sucree
Crust Decorating Techniques
Freezing Pie Dough Tip
Blind Baking Techniques
Cake Stenciling
Ultimate Chocolate Layer Cake (this is such a good cake!)
Lemon Meringue Cake
Coffee Crunch Cake
Chocolate Angel Food Cake
Red Velvet Cake (what a knockout!)
Boston Cream Pie
Hummingbird Cake
Blueberry Crumble Pie
Black Bottom Pie
Peach Cobbler
Square Pear Peg Tart
Plum Puff Pastry Tart
Mini Apple Tarte Tatin
Banana Cream Pie
Kitchen Sink Cookie
Rhubard Shortbread
Lime Meltaway
Chocolate-filled Lace Cookies
Lemon Sandwich
Pecan Squares
Chocolate Chip Meringues
Classic Pie Gift
Printable Recipes and Instructions
Baking Pantry 101
Pastry Tip Glossary
Cake Decorating Tips and Techniques
Meringue and Whipped Cream
Leftover Dough Treats
A Crisper Crust and more........
If you know of someone who really enjoys baking, this would really be a great gift idea. And for yourself, what better way of getting so many ideas and recipes courtesy of someone we enjoy? It has all you need to make the desserts that you know everyone will enjoy. Do I dare say it?..........."its a good thing".
Wowzer! What a Gem!
Anna V. Carroll | 03/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although I have Martha Stewart's new book on baking, I also purchased the DVD. This is such a warm and cozy DVD. I play it on my computer. There are nights when I just don't want to look at re-runs, and watch this instead. I call this my 'Baking class.' And that's what it is. A private one-on-one baking class with Martha! She has guests for some of the segments and they have lots of interesting things to share. The Red Velvet Cake is made by a lovely lady from down South who shares her secrets with not only Martha, but you. You feel as if you have pulled up a chair in the kitchen and are sitting there with them. A wonderful, wonderful learning tool. She goes all out to make sure you have all the pans and other items you will need to get started. Helpful hints, hands-on demonstrations. Some recipes with the hand-held mixer and some in the stand mixer. And even some by hand. I wish I had this DVD in 1991 when I first started baking for the first time. I cannot praise this DVD highly enough. It is an absolute must for anyone who is not a real pro yet but wants to be. You have such a long list of episodes to watch. And you can watch them over and over and over again. It's the next best thing to having Martha right there in your kitchen with you. This is better. You're in HER kitchen, and you don't have to do the dishes afterwards! How great is that?! Love this DVD. Please buy one for yourself and friends. You'll get a big hug if you do."
Martha's Baking Favorites Review
lucky girl | 02/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is very helpful. It has delicious looking desserts. Some of them are in Martha's Dessert book and others are in her new Baking cookbook but it helps to watch her make the recipes rather than just read about them. The information in the DVD is appropriate for beginning bakers. I particularly like the tools and equipment overview given in the beginning. I highly recommend this DVD."
Marta's Baking Favorites
Samuel A. Fernandez-lopez | Puerto RIco | 02/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Is an excellent product. The bakers should do more of this dvd for the persons who doesn't have the naturally kitchen art. Thanks Patricia"