What is WRONG with hollywood?
burntvenus | Waiting in AGONY!!! | 04/16/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Im fed up! I can't rely on the movie industry to put out a reasonable, (purely)fact-based representation of the Marquis' life!I actually had high hopes for this movie bacause it was said to be based on the true story. SORRY! TRY AGAIN! I was apalled!Bad acting, bad directing, horrible story line, and low budget. Thats not even all of it. When are the creators of movies going to realize that enough happened in his life that its not even nessesary to make things up? Theres no way in [heck] that the things that happen in this movie could have happened, so why proclaim it "based on a true story"? It's clear to me this is not so, and that he is merely a character in a line of events (so distorted and rearanged!) based on a loose description of De Sades' life (with some conveinient changes).I'm sorry, but I thought this movie was atrocious, and I once again wait to see a biographical movie worthy to carry his name."
Dirty, dark, twisted, and delicious
burntvenus | 03/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film combines Sade with his fictional world and presents a erotic and comedic rollercoaster. Yes it's low budget, but that just adds to the exploitation experience. Mancuso is superb. I'm fine with Rhys Davies limted screen time and he does what needs to be done, but is not the focus of the film and shouldn't have been given more to do than he does. This film is perfect for what it is and far better than most fims of this type. Exquisite delectable trash with panache is what you will be served and like it. Read if you want something closer to the historical de Sade. Watch if you want to be aroused, disturbed, tickled, and touched."
burntvenus | 12/18/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just recently watched this film and I just have to say that it's the best erotic film I have seen. It's not porno. A film that has topless women is not porno. Porno films are sub-quality videotapes that have some women with silicon bust 'laying down'...however this is a period piece starring the most notorious nobleman of all time with an erotic touch. Until now 'Story of O' was my favorite erotic piece, but this is far better with the Marquis its main character. Buy it if you are into this sort of thing."
Dark drama or Porno? Both? No, it's none of these.
burntvenus | 06/28/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The only reason that this movie gets three stars instead of its rightfully deserved ONE is that Nick Mancuso's acting ability and the decent effort they put into authenticity in the set design earn it two more stars. The plot is predictable. The fact that the director looks as if they can't decide whether they're reshooting the "Story of O" or "Elizabeth" gives the whole movie such a split on what this movie is ultimately trying to convey one would think the director was a schizoid amoeba undergoing mitosis. The remaining cast did an adequate acting performance. The writers should have been given more coffee (maybe they would have stayed awake long enough to come up with better material), and the (mis)use of John Rhys-Davies as a glorified walk-on were what got this movie its three star rating. On the whole, it should have been decided from the start what direction this movie intended to go: depraved porno or dramatic period piece. The movie tries to meld these two genres together but fails to deliver. Sorry, I've seen better."