Demystifyng the devil video isn't that great!
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I own this video and it's mostly old band members and ex girlfriends bashing him and the rest of the band. I do not advise true fans to buys this because it's unauthorized and it just doesn't have that much info that isn't already know from his book that he wrote himself. In my opinion, I say don't bother with this video, read his book if you want info about the band."
A Wonderful, Introspective Look at a Fast Growing Supergroup
Magdalene St. Vitus | Hamilton, Ontario | 01/04/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Nowhere else are the types of interviews with the people who know Manson and his bandmates best, those who have known them since before their ascent to stardom, available, and in such a comprehensively abundant format. You'll get to see ex-bandmates, ex-managers, club owners who gave Manson his first breaks into the business. Most of them had positive things to say. And then there was the one person who knows him probably better than anyone else on this planet; his ex-girlfriend Missi. I was greatly saddened watching this video, wondering how, just as he was on the precipice of his greatest hour, he could have allowed her to get away. Surprisingly, she wasn't bitter, in the least, and only had good things to say about Manson and company. I think that says something about Manson's character - you'd have to be a pretty special person to end a six year relationship with someone, yet have them wishing you only the best. I found that deeply touching. There is also old footage of earlier bands he and his base player, Twiggy Ramirez were in, and lots of home-movie footage of themselves at home, and with friends. If you're into Manson, this is the one movie you must see. It will answer questions about who he is as a person like no other source will. His biography, The Long Hard Road out of Hell is a great look at his life, but this movie is fascinating, because it's all from the perspective of those who know him, and you get to hear the story of his climb to fame from those surrounding him. It adds a lot of insight. I would strongly suggest this to anyone evenly remotely curious about him as an excellent place to start learning about who Marilyn Manson is, both as an artist, and as a human being."
leosep | Sligo,Ireland | 07/13/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The video is amazing and shows you so many things that you have read about and things that you havnt.There are interviews with old members such as gidget gein and zsa zsa spek also there is live footage of Ambugalard(Twiggys orginal band) and Mrs Scabtree(Marilyns side project).The whole video is set in there very early days and deals mainly with there image and the band itsself and what they went through rather than talking about the albums and songs in fact the album Anti-Christ superstar is hardly mentioned at all.In all its a must for any manson fan."