Mick's story told in great detail
Phil S. | USA | 08/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"An absolute treasure for fans and historians; for the fans who might expect alot of the same clips and stills and are thrilled to see something "new"; for the historians who can enjoy the high quality of the previously seen and (believed to be) first time viewing of the content.
It's always great to watch a non-overdubbed kinescope and here we have one from '52 with the Voice of The Yankees calling a MM base hit. (I could watch these undoctored clips for days on end...HBO, what do you think?...).
Besides the rare clips we have a chance to enjoy rarely seen Mantle relatives, and famous co-workers such as Bill "Moose" Skowron, Joe Pepitone, and Phil Linz, who are not as visible as some other teammates in similiar packages, in well-produced interview segments.
I was particularly touched by a 1968 (his final year) press conference including a young fan; and what was possibly his very last public statement in 1995.
The viewer/fan might find this documentary remarkably "frank", in comparison with other works which glorify the Mick without mention of his long, sad personal decline, although some of the stills of the dissipated Mantle are somewhat disturbing. I think this necessary, though mildly depressing theme could have actually been balanced with some *on-field* shortcomings - I refer to the 1959 to 1960 fall from grace when he was roundly booed - his batting average dropping 61, then 80 points in two years; an insightful segment could have been wrought in regard to the infamous "bonehead" of August, '60 when Mickey, thinking it was two outs, not one, did not run hard to first base, and caused Roger Maris to get into a double-play break up resulting in an injury which left him with 39 homers and Mantle 40. My idea is that Mick wanted Roger to break Ruth's record the next year because of this situation. There is no mention of the Mantle late '60 to '64 "Comeback".
Another lesser-discussed chapter (not explored here) is his serious shoulder injury in the '57 Series, which permanently affected his uppercut from the left side.
Yes, and it looks like the author also missed a chance to expound on that "lost" season. Not talkin' about '53 or '63, which left a huge gap statistically. It was that 1966 season, that summer, ten years after, when the Mick, coming up to age 35, had a June-July explosion of power, which really has remained unrivaled to this day. Hitting monsterous home-runs in bunches, it only stopped when another miserable injury sidelined him. The round-trippers slowed, but enough energy was sustained for him to end the season at .288 (the previous season was .255). To me, this a very important element of the Legend. Although, I gotta believe, that Mick didn't realy notice. The Yankees finished 10th that year.
I've been a Mantle fan since the '50s and have read many books, essays, and articles on this legend, and I can say that this DVD, despite a few missing pieces which could really have put it in orbit, belongs on the same shelf as *any* exceptional treatment."
Mantle Fans Prepare For Tears
Kenneth D. Common | Auburn, Washington | 02/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I grew up in Northern N.J. in the '50's & '60's. Mickey Mantle was my hero, as well as that of hundreds of thousands of other kids. I saw this tonight as a rental. I'll be buying it tomorrow. Was he perfect?
( Definitely not). Was he an alcoholic? ( Yes) Was he a womanizer? (Yes). But there was something about him that made him larger than life. He was like a god. All it took was a wave toward me from Mick at Yankee Stadium, that I caught on an 8mm movie film. I floated on a cloud for a week. This 1 hour documentary captures almost everything I felt about him when I was a kid. If you love baseball, and if you loved the Mick, you'll love this film. Two of my life's highlights were getting to meet Mick, and getting a picture of my then 10 year old son shaking Mick's hand when he was near the end. I treasure those memories & that picture."
The boy with a man's back!
J. Sims | Denver | 05/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is as good a video on Mick as you will find ... every true fan of The Mick should own it. But ... due to its time limitations for obvious reasons (made for TV), there was much left out that I would like to have seen.
Surely there is more video footage somewhere showing him hitting a few of his trademark/monstrous home runs ... or least the ball parks where he hit them and the places where the ball landed, or how about letting us listen to several radio broadcast clips by Mel Allen when The Mick "came to bat"? That would let us again enjoy the true excitement of those times.
Also, I would like to hear someone's thoughts on why Mick, not a huge guy at 5'11 1/2" and 195 lbs, had so much power "for distance", which was his distinction, heck, anyone can plink balls out there that just clear the fence ...
I personally think his power was a combination of two things, a) his quick twitch muscles (they had to be "quick twitch" because he also was the fastest guy around) combined with his b) early and extensive practice at swinging a bat ... nothing technical, he just put everything into every swing ... he just had that little something extra ... even today, no home run hitters can hit for distance like The Mick, certainly not consistently or even once in a while. I'd take The Mick over Bonds any day! Mick could hit the ball "over buildings"!
Otherwise, it's a fairly comprehensive look at Mick's life from his early days right up through the very sobering and sad ending ... it covers Mick's start in baseball beginning with the everyday practices by the barn with his Dad from his early youth, which Mick apparently enjoyed (though his younger brothers became "burned out" on baseball from it, who according to Mick, could have been pretty good ball players), thru the wonder years of when his god given superstar talents blossomed fully (MVP years and between), and his injuries and slowly declining skills leading to his retirement, then his "aimless years" of middle age when he was "on-display" through countless golf tournaments and corporate events, and ultimately to the end, a life cut short by cancer, caused by who knows what, a lifetime of abusing his body????
"The Mick", what a guy! I loved him and still do ... I watched him play often on TV when I was in Junior High & High School, but what a person of extremes ... a heroic & charming super athlete (who comes along once every 100 years), as well as a tragic & pathetic drunk ... self-admitedly he wondered what he could have accomplished as a player had he skipped the booze, carousing late at night, and avioded those crippling/career limiting injuries ... we miss him.
Because of The Mick, I taught my son to switch hit ... down in the barn!
A role model is not necessarily perfect.
W. F. Brezette | Indianapolis, IN | 03/23/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mickey was far from perfect, but he was a role model for many baseball fans in the 50's and 60's, a day when stars were shown without their warts and blemishes. This is a greatly painted portrait of a real American hero, warts and all. He seemed to be a simple midwestern boy with great athletic ability, but in reality, he was a driven man, driven by his father and later his father's memory. His heroism really didn't start until he recognized his faults and did his best to overcome them. Unfortunately, he couldn't save himself, but he did show his fans what a hero he was."