"Love it or hate it 'Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence' is here on DVD. The last DVD release was by a company named platinum back in 1999 I believe.
Well this new DVD release has out done the last one, the picture quality is much more clearer and sharper than before and this is also in widescreen and with a trailer!
This is the first official DVD by the original company that released this film back in 1993 so the quality is very good but the front cover artwork is horrible-what were they smoking?
Also William Lustig has been placed back into the credits as the only director (there used to be 2 directors now this states only 1 in both the film credits and the box art).
If you liked the first two Maniac Cop films give this one a try!"
Not as good as Maniac Cop 2
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this at my local blockbuster and decided to rent it. I thought if Maniac Cop 1 and 2 were that good maybe this will be the same. I was wrong. Maybe it was the lack of a good cast as in the first films despite Robert Davi and Robert Z'Dar. The story was interesting but dull. William Lusting did not directed some of this film and it can tell some of the acting isn't that good. Spiro Razatos did a great job on the stunts and the last 30 minutes was really good. Most of the ways Cordell kills is very stupid. I have seen some good movies like "The Green Mile" and "Night of the Living Dead" but this is not in that catagorie. I recommend this for people who have Maniac Cop 1 and 2 so you can complete the series, but if you didn't like 1 or 2 don't buy it."
An attempt to create a new Freddy or Jason?
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Fat chance if any further (unlikely) Maniac Cop sequels are going to be like this. The interest has gone from the series.The plot, such as it as, revolves around that uniformed cadaver Matt Cordell being resurrected once again. He then attempts to bring about the resurrection of the female cop killed in Part 2, for reasons which never become apparent.Boring and lifeless from beginning to end, new ideas very thin on the ground indeed. Virtualy nothing seems to happen throughout the bulk of the film, and it ends in yet another car chase. Don't bother with this one. We don't want the producers thinking it's popular enough to warrant dragging the series to any further depths with a Part 4."
Just as good as the first
Anthony Perez | usa | 11/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If youve seen the first movie then you know what to expect.i havent seen the second but after seeing the first and third i really want to.the maniac cop is way more ruthless in this one and some of the kills are acually funny(spoiler)...like the one where he picked up a guy,threw him in the air and shot him six times before his body hit the floor...thats just pure fun to watch.considering how cheap you can get this one i dont see how people shouldnt get this one and the first.willian lustig deliverd another wonderful horror movie with a script by larry cohen.give this movie a chance and i know youll like it alot just like i did.the end leaves room for a forth maniac cop and i hope one day theyll do one."
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 03/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I thought Maniac Cop was an excellent film. It was well paced and didnt leave much fat to pad the movie down. I recently bought part third because the second one has yet to see the light of day. Why is that anyways? Well this movie is still good. It reminds me of Halloween 2 in a way. It contained a little more creative kills but nothing speical. Highly recommend this movie to horror fans. This has to be one of the most underrated horror movie franchises around. You can pick up 1 and 3 for less then ten bucks, do it!"