Adventurer Bear Grylls heads back into the wild for the 5th season of Man vs Wild where he tackles extreme survival challenges in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. Bear goes from the extremes of Eastern Europe... more »'s frozen mountains to the searing humidity --and crocodile filled landscape -- of Northern Australia's Arnhem Land. In the Torres strait, south of Papua New Guinea, Bear is marooned on a desert island. He must find food and water, before setting to sea. The setting may seem idyllic, but these waters are patrolled by deadly jellyfish, stingrays and sharks . And Bear comes way too close for comfort with these ultimate predators.
In special edition 'Fan Vs Wild', Bear leads two lucky fans on a 48-hour survival mission in the frozen Purcell mountains of Canada to test their nerves, their reflexes, and their stomachs. Bear heads into the Canadian Rockies and then the Mojave Desert to face the elements at their worst and test what they really do to the body. In Canada Bear
is buried alive in an avalanche to test how long can he survive, swims 30 feet under an ice pack, and weathers a blizzard in a snow cave. But even the best laid plans can go awry. Bear is airlifted to the hospital when a glissade test goes horribly wrong. Once he's healed, Bear heads to the other extreme: the Mojave Desert. There he finds out what it's like to be caught up in 48,000 gallons of flash flood and then engulfed in a 90 mph sandstorm. But it's not all a chore for Bear. He makes a personal record: a HALO jump from 30,000 feet, so high he can see the crvature of the Earth!« less