A professional gambler seduces a young woman & tries to keep his shady livelihood a secret. Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 05/22/2007 Starring: Carole Lombard Grant Mitchell Run time: 81 minutes Rating... more »: Nr« less
Matthew G. Sherwin | last seen screaming at Amazon customer service | 09/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No Man Of Her Own stars the great Clark Gable as Babe Stewart, a card shark and a crook cheating innocent people out of their money in "friendly little card games" with his buddies. Carol Lombard plays Connie Randall, a small town girl bored silly who marries Babe Stewart on the flip of a coin when he is in her small town to avoid "the heat" of the police chasing after him.
Fortunately, the plot gets better! After a somewhat slow start to establish this rather unlikely hasty marriage, Babe Stewart and his new wife Connie finally return to Babe's home town of New York. Eventually Connie gets wise to Babe's card shark ways and then comes "the" confrontation.
Of course, you may think I've said it all--but after Connie confronts Babe the plot has a lot of directions in which to travel. Will Babe reform? Will he kick Connie out of his life or give her "hush money" to keep her from squealing to the police? Will Connie join Babe and his buddies and become a part of the racket? And what about Babe's former girlfriend, the histrionic Kay Everly (Dorothy Mackaill) who threatens to jump off the balcony of Babe's high rise apartment if Babe doesn't return to her? Will Kay try to ruin Connie's affections for Babe? No spoilers here, folks--you'll have to watch the movie to find out the answers!
The choreography works well in the scenes where Connie is pursued in the library by Babe after they first meet; and the cinematography framed things well within the screen, too.
The DVD only has a brief introduction by Robert Osbourne of Turner Classic Movies; we get no deleted scenes or other special extras. Sorry, folks!
Overall, No Man Of Her Own is a much better film than some people will say. It held my attention very well. We get to see a very young Clark Gable working at his very best with his future wife Carol Lombard; and their onscreen chemistry works to enhance the picture.
I highly recommend this film for fans of pre-code drama; and people who are fans of Carol Lombard and Clark Gable will want to see this one, too.
Title Sounds like a Comedy but this is Definetly a Pre-code
S. Phifer | Springfield, VA United States | 07/03/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A comedy this is not.
This is an interesting little film that could not have been made after after the code crackdown. The story line is an amoral one if not down right immoral. Gable plays the hero--a crooked gambler. Lombard plays a had-it-up-to-here small town girl ready to escape at the first offer. Lucky girl, Gable is the first offer. They marry on impulse, he thinking it is for laughs while she sees good in him that no one else can see, espcially those of us watching the film.
He draws her into his crooked gambling schemes then tries to shake her but see won't leave him. I suppose, if we stretch the point, her love for him redeems him some. Can one be a little bit redeemed?
Subject matter, a lack of moral characters, shower and clothes-changing scenes and see thru dresses make this film that was not shown on TV often I am sure. But as the only screen pairing of Gable and Lombard it is worth owning."
"You'd be lovely to have around, just to sprinkle the flower
Byron Kolln | the corner where Broadway meets Hollywood | 02/24/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Clark Gable and Carole Lombard were one of the greatest Hollywood couples. Briefly married in 1939 (until Lombard's untimely death in 1942), they only ever starred in one movie together. NO MAN OF HER OWN was filmed in 1932 when both were married to different people; their relationship started shortly after the filming wrapped. In the movie we can observe the crackling chemistry which later crossed over into their personal lives.
In NO MAN OF HER OWN, Clark Gable plays Babe Stewart, a professional con man and cardshark who decides to get away from New York to avoid the prying eyes of a vice squad detective. In the small town of Glendale we meet Connie Randall (Carole Lombard), a librarian simply aching to leave the confines of her tight-knit community. On the toss of a coin, Connie and Babe get married, but when they return to New York, how will Babe explain his "profession" to his new bride?
This is a joyful romantic comedy with lots of sass and sparkle. Gable and Lombard will have you transfixed from the very moment they meet in the movie. The reason why they never made another film together was because Gable was contracted with MGM and Lombard spent the bulk of her career at Paramount. Clark Gable was briefly loaned out to Paramount to participate in NO MAN OF HER OWN (in exchange, Bing Crosby would cross over to MGM to star opposite Marion Davies "Going Hollywood"); so it was extremely difficult for Gable and Lombard to be reunited in another movie.
The DVD includes an all-new introduction from Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne. (Single-sided, single-layer disc)."
No Man of Her Own
Nicole | Sunny, Ca | 08/07/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is quite funny and both Lombard and Gable are great! I however felt that the relationship between the two characters could have been developed a little more. It was as though their getting to know each other was rushed through. Other than that it is a def. great classic! Just not one of the best. =)"
Gable A Star From The Beginning
Kevin J. Doughty | Australia | 07/12/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
From the first time i had the good fortune to see this movie i knew
why Clark Gable made it big in Hollywood. he makes you feel good whenever
he speaks or smiles. And the love between Lombard and Gable was apparent
even if they did not feel it themselves a great couple a great movie"