Funnyman Chevy Chase (NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION, CADDYSHACK) is Jack, a guy who's found the woman of his dreams (glamorous Farrah Fawcett). Too bad her stubborn 11-year-old son, Ben (Jonathan Taylor Thomas from TV's HOME... more » IMPROVEMENT) thinks Jack is a geek! As a test, Ben coaxes Jack into joining the YMCA Indian Guides, led by a wacky suburban dad (George Wendt, Norm from TV's CHEERS). Chaos ensues as Jack struggles to prove to Ben that he's not totally uncool! From rain dancing to building a teepee, Jack will do anything to win Ben's approval -- and his mom's affection!« less
"Starring Farrah Fawcett Majors (Sandy, the divorced mom), Chevy Chase (Jack, the hot shot lawyer boyfriend/fiance who moves in with the divorced mom) and Jonathan Taylor Thomas (son, Ben, who has unresolved feelings of abandonment due to his real dad, suddenly and unexpectedly without remorse, having left him and his mom). The film is a classic comedy where Ben does what he can to test the new "dad-to-be". In fact, his whole plan is to drive Jack out of his mom's life. The fact is ... his plan backfires.
Jack does whatever it takes to win Ben over. He even joins the Indian scouts, a group in which Ben feigns interest, which he expects will send Jack over the edge. Surprisingly, it has the opposite effect, Ben ends up looking forward to the adventures in the wild, especially a planned canoe trip. Unfortunately, it is the one time Jack does not show up ... convincing Ben, Jack is like his dad.
Bigger problems loom in th horizon for Jack, who is nearly killed by the son of a mob-type stalker and his buddies who are exacting revenge for having placed his father in jail. The climactic build up and suspense in the film is worth viewing for oneself. This is a family entertainment style film where all the problems are resolved in the end. The film is amusing and makes the viewer feel good. While much of the film is predictable, that is why it does not disappoint the viewer. Erika Borsos (erikab93)"
A funny movie that deals with a real life struggle
retrowens | Alabama, USA | 02/10/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In "Man of the House," Jonathan Taylor Thomas stars as Ben, a kid who's dad moved out when he was real young. Now Ben is 11 and his mom (Farrah Fawcett) is the only person or thing that he's concerned about right now. His mom starts dating Jack (Chevy Chase), and Ben does everything he can to get rid of Jack because he doesn't want Jack to get in the way of his and his mom's usual routine and way of life. To drive Jack away, Ben wants to enroll himself and Jack into a new hobby that involves learning more about things Indians do. Will Jack take the hint and run away like Ben's father did, or will Ben and Jack get a lot closer?"Man of the House" does have its hilarious parts, mostly by Chevy Chase's clumsy antics, but I liked it more because it dealed with a type of family struggle that I could relate to a lot, and the movie does a real good job of it. My parents got a divorce when I just turned 9 and I had to live with my dad. When my dad started dating new women instead of my mom, it was hard for me to get used to it for a long time, not because I was real close to my dad, but because I felt like most of the new women were trying to take the place of my mom. That's why I could really relate to this movie a lot and enjoy it for more than its comedy.I recommend anybody who likes good comedy movies that are funny, but have a deeper message to them to get "Man of the House," it's a great movie."
Amber McKenzie(Tx, usa)
Jon'sGirl | Tx,USA | 10/14/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this movie! it such a cute,funny,and sweet movie! and Im not just saying that because I love Jonathon Taylor Weiss(Thomas)which I do! he is sooo hot,funny,and sweet! and he luvs animals and is vegi I guess what they say is true most of his fans are junior high girls Im 12=)in this movie he plays an 11 year old and looks 10 but was really 14 oh well just means I can think hes hot in this movie longer anyway this movie is about Ben a boy whos father left when he was 6 and its always been him and his mom (Farrah Fawcett) there has been a couple guys but they never lasted long until she meets Jack (Chevy Chase)and wants to get married and has Jack move in but Ben now 11 disapproves and will do anything to get him out including:making him sleep on roll out bed which breaks,locking him out of the bathroom when he was in the shower,and more until they finally join the YMCA Indian Guides which Ben thinks is dorky at first until they finally realise they love it and it brings them together the only problem is Jack is lawyer and sent this guy to prison and now his son and his goons are after them! I would definitely recomend this movie it is great!"
Sweet little family movie to pass the evening
corduroy_hippie | Olympia, WA | 07/12/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Man of the House is a sweet little film. It's great for children without being drudgery for their parents to sit through. Jonathan Taylor Thomas plays Ben, a child afraid of getting emotionally hurt again by the men his mother begins dating after his father leaves the two of them alone and heartbroken. Due to Ben's mistrust, he "tests" each of his mother's new potential suitors, and none of them can stand their ground until he comes up against Jack. From there, the rest of the story starts rolling. Man of the House is definitely worth checking out if you're looking for something lighthearted but still-entertaining for the evening. Although, I'm sure the kids would probably enjoy Tom & Huck and Wild America much better since they're both more action-oriented movies."
Very funny, but very much a shallow slap-stick comedy
corduroy_hippie | 03/02/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like this movie a lot, but it's pretty predictable, with a very original but not highly amusing plot. It's the kind of movie you see when you want to laugh, and nothing in life really seems very funny. Kids of all ages will like it, but it does have a little bit of violence in it. But of course, it's still in that slap-stick way, and not really scary to all but the littlest kids."