Relive the fun and celebration with the sparkling Mamma Mia! The Movie Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! More Gift Set, complete with music CD soundtrack and 32-page collectible book! Academy Award®-winner Meryl Streep leads an a... more »ll-star cast, including Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth, in this musical celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves lost and new ones found. Based on the Broadway smash-hit and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it?s the feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing over and over again.« less
Many absolutely love this musical verses those that hate it due to a weak storyline and poor acting with horrible butchered singing attempts of classic Abba hits.
Movie Reviews
Some things that are not good for you, "feel" good so go for
Jim | Tallahassee, FL | 10/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"From what I know of the history of this play/movie the two ladies that worked so hard to get ABBA and others to put this together in GB are now two of the wealthiest women in England - and from what I have seen it drives the critics nuts, ("lousy, bad camera work, Brosnen can not carry a tune etc., etc.,) the bottom line folks, this movie fits like that old comfortable shirt your wife (the critic) wants you to throw away because it looks "awful". Well, the heck with em, I like my shirt, and I like meatloaf and mashed potatos, and I like Mama Mia, maybe it is mind candy, maybe it does not reach the high brow standard, but it "feels good" so the pundants can take their "expert" advise and put it where "the sun don't shine", this movie makes me smile and who knew Meryl Streep could sing like that - the "Winner Takes it All" maybe very poorly filmed according to the so called experts because the one I saw said "get me off the Merry-go-Round" but it sure sent chills down my back - let the experts rave - I know what I like, and this film made me laugh - in times like these I will take that any old time over what the high brows think I should see!
PS - as for Mr. Brosnan's singing and why he did the film - straight from the horses mouth -
Q. What drew you to this movie? A. My agent called and said, "Meryl Streep, Mamma Mia!," and I said, "I'm in!" I didn't even know who I was playing. I kept thinking, I want to work with this wonderful actress.
Q. How did you fare with all the singing you had to do for the role?
A. I've never done anything as orchestrated or musically complex in my life. At first, I just made noises. Then I went to London and trained in the studio with Benny [Andersson] and Bjõrn [Ulvaeus] from ABBA. My family let me know that they were very worried for Dad when they first heard Dad sing. But sing I did.
Loved it, but...
Kotik | IL | 11/01/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I can't fault the acting in this movie one bit. Brosnan was damned if he sang the part & damned if he didn't, so having the courage to do so with a less than trained voice shows character, in my opinion. I will agree with the critics that the cinematography was, in places (The Winner Takes it All & the courtyard scene with Streep & Brosnan) just awful, but I love the film all the same. A movie is more than the sum of it's parts & this movie makes me smile. At the end of the day, entertainment is still supposed to entertain, yes?"
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iggylou | 11/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I LOVED this movie. I saw it six times in the theater and laughed and bobbed my head as much the sixth time as the first. The music great!! Ok, so Pierce Brosnan isn't the best singer in the world. You know what? I've paid a whole lot more money to see people in concert that were suppose to be great singers and were so much worse than Pierce. Besides if you don't want to listen to him just watch him. He's showing some age(but then aren't we all) he's still quite attractive. I think Merryl Streep did an incredible job. Who knew she could sing like that?! And Donna's two friends are a hoot. And I think the girl that plays Sophie is adorable.
In today's times it's great to be able to sit down with a movie and not have to think about it. Just be entertained by it. It's a great "bad day" movie. Go home put your feet up and just veg out. Sure to improve your bad mood greatly!!"
Feel good fun...Critics find another Job!
A. Stokes | Haverhill, MA USA | 11/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I sometimes wonder what movie the critics see because it rarely if ever matched the movie I see. I paid to see this movie five times and took my daughter four of those times, we LOVE it. I makes you feel good, the music gives you energy, to me the movie made me feel young and hopeful. The loctaion it was shot in was breathtaking, the chemisty on screen was wonderful! When it first came out it was not a trailer that grabbed me and I really had no interest in seeing it, but a friend of mine invited me and my daughter to go with her one night, and I am so glad we did. I shudder to think I almost missed one of the best big screen experiences I've ever had."
A FUN Movie
Debbie J | Big Bear, CA | 11/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I actually saw this movie 3 times at the theater and enjoyed it just as much the 3rd time as the 1st. You smile the whole way thru. You just know that the cast had a terrific time making the movie. Looking around the theater I could see the majority of the people's heads bobbing with the music and as I sat there at the end and people were leaving they were actually singing along with the music at the credits. This is just a flat out FUN movie that left you feeling GREAT."