"This has 3 full-length materials already available on other disks. I already have all three of these and most Troma fans would at least have the Making of Terror Firmer documentary if not 2 or all 3 of the these. A big percentage of the 5 disks is wasted on content already available.
It also has the entire BATTLE OF LOVE'S RETURN movie which was terrible although you can turn on the commentary of Lloyd Kaufman so I guess that counts for teaching you to make your own damn movie.
The rest is different interviews and documentaries of other filmmakers, video makers, writers, special effects artists, cartoonists, theatre owners, video store owners, etc.
It is nice helpful information but I don't see how it could all add up to really teaching you how to make your own damn movie.
However, it is a nice collection of stories/experiences/how-to's by various filmmakers of varying types.
I wish they had not included the already available material and that Lloyd himself would instruct different aspects along with his humor such as he did in the books. Maybe taking 5 disks for this.
And include the other artists segments and putting it on maybe 3 disks.
Get the books first. They are excellent. This box set is nothing like the books but still helpful although disappointing.
This set has all you need. Perfect.
Ton | the Netherlands | 06/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
This will without any doubt for a long time to come be the most important release of this century for anyone who is even remotely interested in the wonderful world of independent films. Of course, primarily, this set is aimed at those amongst us who have ideas about making a film of their own, but were disencouraged by the fact that the entire market is dominated by only a few big conglomerates which only care for the big bucks and not so much about artistic value. Indeed it is impossible to even dream about making something that resembles your own idea if even you have the odd chance of finding some access into that world to begin with. Independent is the word, and much contrary to popular belief a lot of independent films are being made still, the DVD market being a very important factor in all this, because the theatres are owned by aforementioned conglomerates. Troma is (as anyone should know by now) the best, longest livingindependent studio, and the best example of the fact that there is definitely a market for real films, made by real people who love films, for the sheer love of the matter.
Lloyd Kaufman's MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOVIE book already gave a lot of insight in the possibilities (and the troubles that have to be overwon) of making one's own movie, and this 5-DVD box set is an invaluable companion release. Although the box mentions that the running time is appr. 12 hours it is in reality something about 18 hours in total, and it offers an immense collection of examples, insights through on-set recordings of quite a few different independent films, tips from renowned filmmakers who made it (Sam Raimi, Trey Parker, Mat Stone, George A. Romero Games Gunn, Eli Roth, Jenna Fischer, to name but a few) and hig- and lowlights from Mr. Kaufman's own 30-plus years of experience in making independent films. What you get is very important advice from those who know how it works from the inside. This is not the regular linear boring list of rules, this is quite the opposite: how to survive in the guerilla way of filmmaking where nothing is linear. And the set gains a lot of quality and importance from just that construction, because instead of dry lessons that most of the time can't be related to reality we get to see how others did it and actually made it, and where others failed and how you could avoid the same mistakes.
The book was quite unputdownable, this set of dvd's is very much unputoffable. Once you start exploring the set there is no way you can simply turn it off without thinking "let's check just one more item" every time. A few items have been released earlier as extra's on deluxe versions of dvd releases of certain films before, but many might have missed out on those, and even if that is not the case having everything here in one easy-to-handle collection is superb. The inclusion of an early Kaufman film (Battle of love's return, decribed by another reviewer as terrible) is extremely important, because the audio-commentary provides a workshop deconstruction of this film, making it clear where things can go wrong. An added bonus is the fact that this important film is finally available on DVD here.
But even if you don't have any plans to make your own film, the set is highly entertaining for those interested in the long and unique history of the only surviving REALLY independent filmstudio there is, and for anyone interested in what goes on behind these sometimes forgotten beauties created outside of the Hollywood system. It shows the love for film of so many people and the troubles they have to and are willing to go through to make their dream come true. An infinite number of discs of this content couldn't be enough to satisfy my hunger. As it is this generous set is absolutely the best, most entertaining and most informative Filmschool available anywhere.
Just bought (accidentally and unfortunately) two copies of t
TenderGiblets | South Carolina, USA | 08/27/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What a waste, so far. I'm at disk three and it's the same nonsense over and over. Short clips of B/S that is apparently directed at a certain group of film makers that I'm not familiar with. I'm new to film and it wasn't helpful to me. I mean, he shows you how to steal props from the trash bins of CBS or one of those corporate conglomorates. I wonder if he thought, at all, about his targeted audience. I have no access to any such place to get props. I think the other posts pretty much sum up why this video is almost completely a waste of time. I'm giving it a 1 because I think most people look at the 1's and 5's. It really deserves a two because somewhere in all the superfluous information is a grain or two of somethin helpful. Even if it was intended to induce a creative process in which to obtain materials and make a film, it's an epic fail.
Do not buy this. I will give you my copies if you are really in such desperate need to know what "suck" looks like.
I've heard the book is much better though."
This Boxset helped me with my Film
S. Harrison | Exmouth, UK | 09/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Get this DVD boxset if you are serious about making a movie.
The content, though randomized, is inspiring. You really get an idea of what to go through to make your movie.
After watching the first 3 disks I made a short film (using the Bromo seltzer tip).
I also used the Audio guide to help me finish my feature Capitalism - The Movie.
This is now available on Amazon.com, and it would not have been possible without this set.
Buy it today, make a film tomorrow!"
Best learning experience and very entertaining at the same t
Eric Nowak | Chicago, IL | 04/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have been a fan of Troma since I was 6 and I'm 24 now and still am a huge fan. It's because of movies like Toxic Avenger that I wanted to get into the movie making business. I've had many ideas in the past, but never really knew where to go after I had the ideas down in my head. All that has changed because of the Make Your Own Damn Movie set.
This DVD set is a blast to watch all while learning alot of important information about making movies and what it takes to make a movie. There are plenty of interviews, making-of documentaries, and words of wisdom from Lloyd Kaufman himself.
Besides this set, I also own the Cinemaker DVD set and I have to honestly say that Make Your Own Damn Movie is far better than Cinemaker. Yes Cinemaker pretty much teaches you the same things, but they are really serious when they are talking and if you are a first time film maker like myself...you can easily get lost with what they are saying. Lloyd Kaufman does a great job at getting the main points you need to know out in a simple way that anyone can understand...all the while making the viewing experience a fun one too.
If you are thinking about getting into the movie making business, I highly recommend this DVD set to start off with. You won't be disappointed."