Let's face facts here: You don't watch a movie like Major Payne for its artistic merit any more than you'd watch Schindler's List for its comedy. If you go in thinking otherwise, you're bucking for a disappointment. So it... more »'s a pleasant surprise to discover that Major Payne is more entertaining than a barrel full of bad reviews would lead you to believe. It's a totally formulaic comedy about a bunch of misfit kids who turn into a crack squad of skillfully disciplined ROTC cadets, but Damon Wayans is spot-on hilarious in the title role as the hardened military bulldog who whips the little slackers into shape. Wayans plays the role as if killing and warfare were the only joys in life, and when he finds himself cast adrift without a military commission, a scene that directly parodies Apocalypse Now lets you know that Wayans (who cowrote the script) is going to bring something new to this routine scenario. Major Payne's idea of a good bedtime story is to recall his worst battlefield horrors, and Wayans gives it just the right twist of comedy to put Payne's bullet-pierced heart in the right place--he's really just a good guy with an iron-clad exterior. The young recruits strut their stuff in the final round of their cadet competition (their marching rap is good for a solid laugh), and director Nick Castle keeps it all from becoming too stupid or over the top. It's arguably only for Wayans's most ardent fans, but as a send-up of all the great movie drill instructors, Major Payne is painlessly enjoyable. --Jeff Shannon« less
Kurt A. Johnson | North-Central Illinois, USA | 06/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When Major Benson Payne (played by Damon Wayans), a one-man-army in a Marine uniform, is discharged, he needs to find a new life. Given command of the Madison Academy Junior ROTC, he sets out to whip the gang of misfit youths into shape. Used to the toughest discipline and the hardest life, Payne is the children's worst nightmare, and there is nothing they won't do to get rid of him. Along the way, though, Payne and his command all learn a few lessons.This movie is a laugh-riot! Wayans' Payne is hilarious, being just the right mixture of homicidal maniac and tender father figure, while the ROTC cadets make a perfect foil for the Major. My family have never laughed so hard at a movie as we did at this one, with my son being quite pleased with how the Major deals with a "monster" in a young lad's closet - "If he's still in there, he's not happy!"This is a great movie, the one caveat being that there are quite a few colorful words tossed around by the Major and the cadets. That said, though, this was a hilarious movie that you and your family will like watching again and again!"
Major Payne has hurt my sides with laughter.
Jenny J.J.I. | That Lives in Carolinas | 10/30/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Major Payne" is one of the funniest movies that I enjoy to watch over and over again. I thought that Damon Wayans delivered a knockout performance as the loud-mouthed, gold-toothed, trash talking, squeaky voiced Major Benson Winifred Payne. He was so funny that I nearly had a heart attack while laughing at the same time.
After a major drug bust goes extremely well in South America, Major Payne (Damon Wayans) returns to Parris Island, South Carolina and finds out that the U.S. Marine Corps is throwing him out of the military back into civilian life. After two weeks of civilian life, Payne is let back into the military under one condition: go to Virginia and train a group of delinquents for an ROTC program at Madison Academy. Payne regretfully accepts the job and puts each of the boys into 8 weeks of living hell! It becomes a fight because the boys do what they can to put Major Payne out of their lives!
I have so many favorites scene through out this movie but the one that shines the brightest is when Wayans had a dance sequence at a club where he performs a series of moves (including a very nice "robot"), and with the help of music from 2 Live Crew. Many of the gags are side-splitting funny, and the vocal tones and mannerisms of Major Payne are just spot-on hilarious. And the kids in the film do a remarkable job in their supporting roles. The kids in fact steal the show (especially the younger ones). Lots of absurdity in the movie, but still here and there peeks through a poignant maturity on the deeper symbolism of what boot camp is all about
Of course, it is a feel good movie so you know everything will work out in the end. Base on some of the lower reviews you can see that this movie is not for everyone, but at the same time is worth seeing. If you don't like it by the time Payne does his "Failure to communicate!" line then maybe it isn't for you. As for me it's utterly brilliant.
Laugh tell you cry
M. D. Cummings | Kanosh,, Utah United States | 10/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I know this is an older movie but it's like owning Christmas Vacation and Earnest Goes to Jail, they are classics and Major Payne is well on to being right up there with the funniest movies I own. The story is great about how a hardcore soldier uses his expertise into whipping a bunch of misfits into shape or is it the other way around?
You'll love it at any age, trust me.
If you where ever in JROTC you've seen this a million times
M. A. Miller | Rome, GA | 01/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"but this movie is awesomely funny. Major Payne is hilariouse and it teaches us valuable leasons about family and other great leasons like how to take your mind off of pain, the little engine that could, how to get someone out of your closet, and also how to get someone to not hit their wife this movie is great and you need to own it"
Heeh heeh heeh! HA heeh heeh heeh! HO heeh heeh heeh!.......
M. A. Miller | 11/19/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie made me laugh so hard I almost went to the Marines. This movie is so funny, I laughed my head off at the part when he tried to get the kid to go to sleep by getting rid of the monster in his closet. This movie makes me wish I had a P.E. teacher just like that. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! "There! If he's still in there, he ain't happy!""