Mail to the Chief: Probably the best W.W.O.Disney movie!
C. Chow | 11/10/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this's so awesome. MAIL TO THE CHIEF is about a 13-year-old kid named Kenny Witowski who lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Kenny is very good with computers, but doesn't have a lot of friends and gets bullied by a bunch of kids at his middle school. When he goes into a Chat Room and starts talking to somebody named Average Joe, he doesn't realize that he's actually chatting with the President of the United the President tips on his politic speeches. (They're having the big Presidental Election, by the way). The President wants Kenny to be his advisor when he realizes how much Kenny has helped him with his Presidental Election. So Kenny ends up meeting the President and starts advising him on his speeches...and helping him to win the Election. But when word gets out that the President is being advised by just an average person...things start to really look bad for the President...and Kenny! This is a really good movie. Watch it. It's funny, too."
Elisha Is Only In Four Scenes
C. Chow | Leesburg VA | 11/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The only reason you're even thinking of buying this movie is because of Elisha Cuthbert. Well yes she is in this movie, but only four scenes.
The plot focuses on a junior high student who through e-mail meets the president (Randy Quad). Elisha appears in only four scenes as the first daughter. Romance springs between the two teens, but it's really just a side plot. They do not even talk or do anything else note worthy.
This film could have been much much better if the teen had woken up in the Lincoln bedroom with Elisha and then met up with her later in the Oval Office as his boss's daughter. Just like in `Old School'.
Yes Elisha is drop dead gorgeous in `Mail to the Chief' making it a MUST for die hard Elisha Cuthbert fans like myself. But be forewarned, she's only in four scenes.