Reviewed on 7/25/2023...
Maid in Manhattan - J Lo should stick to what she does best, singing and making a prequel to Selena. This felt like a high school drama class even though some well knowns are in it since it dragged on and was monotone. Save yourself some time and money by canceling your maid service!
Donalda B. (GreatDaneMom) from BAKERSFIELD, CA
Reviewed on 8/29/2012...
I'm the type of person who loves a "feel-good" type of movie. Entertain me, make me laugh and don't make me think too much. Both of these movies do that! Fools Rush In sneaks in a really good lesson on tolerance and respecting the other person's cultures and belief systems in a gentle fun way. Maid in Manhatten is the poor girl - rich man movie that has been recycled over and over and still fun to watch.
I thoroughly enjoyed both movies and will watch them again and again.