stryper | Canada | 03/26/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the first volume + box, of the revoiced, Macross series from ADV, and was not impressed with the new choice of voice actors.
Minmay sounded too old, Misa sounded too young, Hikaru to annoying and the infamous, Bridge Bunnies, not annoying enough.
So when the newest volume came out, like a woman forgetting the pains of labour, and deciding to have another child, I stupidly plunked down my hard earned cash, and popped in the new disc...
Well, I lasted about 35 seconds with the new voice dub, before mercifully switching over to the original Japanese track (as tiny sounding as it is).
I wanted to like this new voice dub, honestly I did, but I just can't get past the fact that three of the main character voices are completely wrong for the personalities that they play.
I was really hopping that the new voices would grow on me, even reading all the reviews I could, hopping to be somehow convinced that the newer dubs where better then I thought, but alas, to no avail...
It REALLY sucks that the original voice actors from the Robotech series, didn't finish dubbing the original Macross series, but instead, after several episodes, scrapped the original version for the slightly reworked Robotech version, as that would have been amazing to have in full.
So, I'm stuck with a new ADV dub that sucks, and the old Robotech versions with cruddy picture quality (as the Robotech remastered set has been also buggered up by ADV, having great picture quality sure, but the new generic sound effects, put into the new 5.1 surround track, are as bad as the voice dubs on the new Macross set).
Gotta hand it to ADV though, as they did entice me into buying three different versions of the same series..."
Loving it...
Daddy | NorCal | 03/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm still awaiting an continuity for Macross. Sure Macross Zero is out, but that's a prequal, not a continuation. This new release is wonderful. Although the second volume does not include a duel DVD set like the first one. Although I wished that they kept all episodes on one disk and the special features in another. The second volume is one disk, makes life easier for us lazy viewers. They still continue the in depth interviews with Mari Iijima. She's so wonderful in her representation as a Japanese. Simply put as an anime fan you can simply say that Mari really truly represents the character Minmay. Minmay is who she is because of Mari. The second dvd set also includes a first time trailer for Southern Cross. I love the Japanese adaptation, and opening theme song. Buy this if you're a true otaku of robotech. Buy this if you're wondering if ADV Films will perhaps put together an album for Mari's big break into the United States market. And I hope sooner or later they'll move away from trying to call "Macross", "McCross"."
Series continues to be as good as gold!
KnightVoyager | Billings, MT USA | 03/22/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Another great volume in the Macross series! That, combined with a second in-depth interview with Mari Iijima just keeps the interest level high! If you like hearing Mari as Minmay in the series, then you should also see all the rest of the wonderful things she's done by going to www.marimusic.com.
ADV did a great job re-doing the series, plus having it remain uncut was a wonderful way of bringing a new generation into the Macross fold, so now they can see it the way it was meant to be seen!"