Underrated Over the Top Action/Comedy!!!
Comedian 138 | South Carolina, USA | 10/24/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A lot people trashed this movie, and I felt I had to throw my two cents in! I grew up watching 80's action flicks actually in the 80's and loved all the 80's action movie cliches and nods thrown in this movie! They even started the movie off with the whole "You're the best, and we need you back" schtick!! Cool!!! The people that trashed the movie just didn't understand the over the top humor, that's all. Ok, YES this movie is stupid. YES it has toilet humor. BUT it is SO over the top stupid that it's hilarious! If you like over the top 80's action movies, then why NOT give MacGruber a try??? I mean, MacGruber has a mullet, 16 purple hearts, and 3 Medals of honor! That in itself is so ridiculous it's AWESOME!! And the way MacGruber finishes the badguy? Well, let's just say any 80's action fan would be proud! I really liked all the actors too! They took it to the next level of sheer silliness! Mad Martigan (Val Kilmer) as the bad guy?? Perfect!!! There were only a couple of parts in the movie where I said "Hmmm..." but the rest? AWESOME!!! If you're not sure, rent it first, but any TRUE 80's action fan will understand the humor and laugh out loud! Give MacGruber a chance!!"