Currently Available DVDs (2) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (22)2011 - Mack Sennett Sensations The Rivals / Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts / Hollywood Kid / Lizzies of the Field (1913) 2011 - Mack Sennett Biographs Vol 2 (1912) 2010 - The Essential Charlie Chaplin - Vol 2 7 Keystone Comedies 2010 - Chaplin At Keystone An International Collaboration of 34 Original Films 2010 - Tillie's Punctured Romance (Silent) 2010 - Best of Keystone Kops Vol 1 2010 - Mack Sennett's Fun Parade (A Desperate Scoundrel / Muddled in Mud / Barney Oldfield's Race for Life / Taxi Doll / Whispering Whiskers) 2008 - The Extra Girl / The Gusher (1923) 2002 - Slapstick Encyclopedia 2000 - The Artist In His Prime - 3 DVD Set - Starring Charlie Chaplin 1999 - Tillie's Punctured Romance/Mabel's Married Life 1999 - Chaplin - The Collection Vol 5 - Sunnyside / Hot Finish