Edited Episode?? Indeed, Ken!
J. Phoel | Long Island, NY | 04/19/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I was waiting for this one, because it would hold my favorite episode, MONSTERS Vs. MASCOTS (aka The Monster Show).
Got it home, & I see on the INSIDE packaging "HIGHLIGHTS" - Edited from Broadcast version. NOOOOOOOO
Pop it in & sure enough, EVERY rubber-suited monster scene is edited OUT. The beginning, where Vic & Ken gather the monsters, sinkers & floaters cut up, Muddy Balls cut up, and Stones of Mount McKidney COMPLETELY cut.
The only thing I can think of is it had to get cut due to copyright problems. The monsters are mostly Ultraman & Dynaman critters, and an ARMY of Ultramen fight them off at the end. The character dubbed "Piss In Boots" is actually an Astroboy-like costume, so that's why HE's out. Ah well.. At least I have it on VHS from broadcast. So word of warning - if you HAVE it from broadcast, DON'T ELIMINATE YOUR TAPE!!! INDEED!!!!"
Too bad it was edited...
Analog | Planet Earth | 05/01/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Like all the other reviewers stated, the monster vs. mascot show is completely butchered up. It seemed to be the unanimous favorite, as it is also my favorite episode, and one of the reasons I bought this DVD. I was really looking foreward to seeing Queerwig and Inoperable Tumora again, but sadly, neither is present. I don't feel that it detracts so much from the other content, as the rest of the episodes are extremely funny and entertaining. Another episode of Takeshi's Castle is also included along with a behind the scenes special feature. The commentary is sexual as ever, and the names and job descriptions of the participants are hilarious. I don't know where these guys come up with this stuff, but is sure is great! 4 out of 5 stars for the circumcised version of monsters vs. mascots, but still, if you're a fan, don't be afraid to buy it. **Just a note: The original version of monsters vs. mascots is viewable on youtube. You'll have to watch it in separate sections, but it's all there if you search."
Season Two of MXC on DVD
dwood78 | Long Beach, CA USA | 05/08/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Don't let the edited version of Episode 12 keep you from buying this set as the remaining 12 are here in their entirely. In terms of special features, it's a lot like Season One, there yet another episode of "Takeshi Castle". While they made impovements on "Kenny Blankenship's Top 25 Most Eliminations of the Season" over the season one set, the "Behind the Scenes of MXC leaves something to be desired as it doesn't really us how they put the show together (most of it is shows the voice actors in the recording room). Hopefully, we'll see more seasonal sets of MXC.
A note about the edited show: Episode 12: Real Monsters Vs. Commercial Mascots has been edited by 45%. unlike the other reviewers, I don't really like this show. Those giving these this set a low rating just because of that edited show should be pointing their fingers at the copyright holders of the monsters that's been cut out."
The must see series of the year!
mblough | 05/07/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you ever seen this show it speaks for itsself. Having them all on one collection is terrific, and every bit as good as season 1.
This show is abslutely hilarious. If you haven't seen it you are truely missing out. Sometimes the commentary is a little lame but the action and extreme eliminations of the day more than make up for it. Add in a couple beers and a couple friends and max out the comedy of this one!"