Monster By Mistake follows the adventures of eight-year-old Warren as he is determined to live a normal kid's life - despite falling under a magical spell that turns him into a seven-foot blue monster every time he sneezes... more ». Warren, his sister Tracy and Johnny B. Dead - the resident musical ghost - embark on some fun-filled zany adventures as they ward off Billy (the bully). Meanwhile, the evil Goblin Gorgool and his evil twin Morgool try to keep Warren's monsterdom a secret. Come join the fun! Monster On Purpose:
Warren's tired of having to run away and hide whenever he's in public and feels the need to sneeze. His Monster problem is more trouble than it's worth. Can't they find a way to reverse the spell once and for all? Tracy says the only place the spell might be is on the missing pages from the book of spells that were sucked through the vortex into Fenrath. Warren's response: pack your bags, we're going to Fenrath! Tracy's reluctant at first - who knows what they'll find there? But the lure of exploring a new world soon wins her over and off they go through the vortex. On the other side, they meet Red, their first Fenrathian friend, who leads them to Morgool's castle in search of the pages. At first Warren's hesitant to share his secret with Red - all he needs is one other person thinking he's a freak. But after the Monster helps the kids escape from Morgool's guards, Red soon helps Warren see that being big and blue often has its advantages and may not be so bad after all. The Jewel Of Fenrath:
How it all began: Warren Patterson is an eight-year-old boy who has been enchanted by a magical jewel from a mysterious parallel world called Fenrath and this new spell turns him into a monster every time he sneezes.« less