As the fifth season opens, the Chinese are getting too close for comfort and the 4077 has been ordered to bug-out. Unfortunately, Hawkeye, B.J. and Margaret are in the middle of critical surgery and have to keep going eve... more »n as the bombing starts. The rest of the 4077 find themselves in an equally dangerous situation upon discovering that the new location that HQ has chosen for them is actually in occupied territory. Luckily the Chinese are driven back and the 4077 get to bug back to their old location. But the real bomb, as far as Frank Burns is concerned, is when Margaret returns from a medical conference in Tokyo engaged to Lieutenant Colonel Donald Penobscott. "How?d Burns take it?" a concerned Colonel Potter asked. "Hard," Hawkeye replied. "He was clucking like a chicken last night. For nine straight hours." Potter shook his head. "He?s heading for a Section Eight." As expected, Klinger was green with envy.« less
Dated but classic TV with a great plotline that is fun to watch!
Abraham K. from KIRKLAND, WA Reviewed on 7/4/2010...
This is the best TV series of all-time (IMHO). I am from India and have no idea of the emotional import of the Korean war on this nation's collective conscience; that short-coming does nothing to detract from my appreciation of the message, the irony, the frustration and the comedy in every single episode of this series.
The casting deserves special mention, every single character seems to have been matched with the persona of the actor/actress playing it. This despite significant turnover in a number of core characters.
Finally, if you have seen the movie that gave rise to the series, this is one of those rare cases where the sequel vastly bettered the original. Guess I'll stop gushing before this love fest gets creepy :)
Movie Reviews
Significant season
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Most shows after a few seasons being to lose their impetus, but MASH proved to be one of those shows that proved the complete opposite, and especially with the fifth season.By now Harry Morgan as Colonel Sherman T. Potter and Mike Farrell as Captain B.J Hunnicutt were now fully settled in to the full cast as this was their second season. This series would prove significant for two cast members, this was to be Larry Linville's last season as Major Frank Burns and William Christopher's first season as a full cast member as Father Francis J. Mulcahy. I find this strange that they waited until this season to make him so, as he had been there since the first season.My favouite epsiodes from this season includes the one-hour show to open the season "Bug Out" in which the camp had to move en-masse while Hawkeye, BJ and Margaret had to operate on a patient with spinal injuries. "The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan" in which it is rumoured that Hotlips had been abducted and the appearance of the loony CIA man Colonel Flagg wanting to invade North Korea as a result. "Dear Sigmund" of more in the next paragraph. "Mulchay's War" in which was the first episode where Father Mulcahy played the significant part of him doubting his effectiveness in the camp, and "Movie Tonight" where they watch a bad copy of My Darling Clementine and the entertainment that takes place when projectionist Klinger has to repair it.The episode that is one of the very best episodes in all 251 episodes is "Dear Sigmund", significant in that the main character and narrator in this episode is Dr Sydney Freedman played by Allan Arbus. Suffering from depression after the suicide of a patient and writing as a form of self-therapy to Sigmund Freud, he watches how the 4077th observes how they cope with the pressures of war, and the paves the way in the future when the originator of a series of practical jokes reveals himself near the end.This episode written and directed by Alan Alda shows him by this stage becoming a huge part behind the scenes on the show, but in this episode does not show him taking center stage, which anyone who knows the history of the show, knows that is typical of Alan alda realising that is a ensemble show. It was also of no surprise that "Dear Sigmund" won him the 1977 Emmy for Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series, 1977 Director's Guild Award, and 1977 Writer's Guild Award. An episode and season well worth recommending."
Another season
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was the final season for one of the actors, Larry Linville, who played Major Frank Burns. Linville claimed that he went as far as he could in making this character look like an azz. Unlike the first four seasons (and the movie, too), Frank doesn't get to sleep around with Major Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan in this season. Two episodes into this season, Margaret gets engaged, and in the final episode of the season: Margaret gets married, with Frank acting as best man for the groom. This was the second season for two of the actors: Mike Farrell (who played BJ Hunnicut) and Harry Morgan (who played Col. Potter). It being their second season on the show, it was easier for them to find their characters' humor and their seriousness, when needed. It really added some more to the show. In season four, they were just starting out. This season featured some rather interesting episodes. One where Radar gets some phony promotion orders, promoting him to Lietenient. The phony papers were made by Hawkeye and BJ to give Radar a taste of "what it feels like to be an officer". The psychiatrist, Dr. Freedman, makes two appearances in this season. In the first, he comes to the 4077th to relieve some of his own stress, as opposed to some patients'. He joins in on a practical joke with BJ. In the other episode, he comes to aid Hawkeye, when he experiences some sleepwalking and nightmares. Also the CIA fruitcake, named Col. Flagg, returns to the 4077th when Major Houlihan turns up missing; at a time, where North Koreans are spotted sneaking around. A crossword puzzle becomes a great pass-time, in one episode. Also, the priest, Father Mulchay, has some good moments in this season. One where he goes to the front line, persuaded to when a wounded solider at the 4077th starts talking about the front line, and Mulchay's hero: a priest who calls himself 'Boom Boom'.Many good episodes, and many good laughs make season five of MASH a great one. It is Major Burns' last season. In the next season, season six, we are introduced to Major Burns' replacement. A rich guy from Boston named Charles Emerson Winchester III, one of the most smug characters you'll see."
At last! They finally included a "play all" option!
Rabbi Yonassan Gershom | Minnesota, USA | 12/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am collecting the M*A*S*H series DVDs as they come out (I've got seasons 1-5 so far) and am happy to see that, with the release of Season Five, there is finally a "play all" option. Why it took so long for the production people to get around to including this, I'll never know. But it certainly is nice to be able to watch such favorite episodes as "Dear Sigmund", "Movie Tonight," etc. without having to reach for the remote each time. This is the last season to feature Frank Burns. Season Six will open with the arrival of Charles Emerson Winchester, one of my favorite M*A*S*H characters. Frank Burns is funny, but, once Margaret gets engaged to Donald Penobscott, the Burns character becomes over-strained and tiresome. Perhaps that's why, even though I dearly love all of M*A*S*H, this season seems to go into a slump about halfway through. Looking forward to Season Six..."
Margaret's engagement and marriage book-end this season.
Randall Banks | Lansing, MI USA | 10/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Aside from the first episode this season, Bug-Out, this year is dominated by the sudden shocking engangement of Margaret to Donald Penobscott. This is also the final year for Frank Burns.
Bug-Out - Radar and Klinger are talking in the office with Klinger celebrating his new cigars when the phone rings. There's a rumor of a camp bug-out. Word spreads fast. Meanwhile, the latrine digging stops and Hawkeye worries over a delicate surgery in which the patient can't me moved for 24 hours due to possible paralysis. Potter makes a phone call and finds it's just a rumor.
Hawkeye and Margaret start the surgery, with B.J's assistance. Then, after calling assembly to stop the rumors Potter finds out that there is a full out bug-out happening. Radar runs in and tells Hawkeye, but it's too late. Hawkeye, Margaret and Radar stay behind to watch the patient. Meanwhile, the rest of the camp finds a damaged old school house which doulbes as a brothel. They trade Klinger's dresses for the building. Hawkeye and Radar go to Rosie's for one last drink before leaving themselves. They get into a jeep, but it breaks down. Suddenly there's the sound of a large number of vehicles. It's the rest of the camp returning.
Margaret's Engagement - Margaret returns from a conference in Tokyo with news of her sudden engagement. This drives Frank over the top. He brings in a family, suspecting that they are snipers. He stays up all night, rifle in hand, with an itchy trigger finger. Potter says he's heading to a section eight. "Section Eight, Section Eight," Frank yells jumping to action. Everyone reacts. Radar tells him there's a phone call. He called Frank's mom. The final scene shows Margaret talking about Donald Penobscott. Frank tells Hawkeye that he wants to double date. He mentions a young new nurse with freckles. Margaret says that she's a bit young."I don't know. I thought a little youth might be nice for a change!". Margaret leaves in a huff, B.J and Hawkeye both shake their heads. "I really got her on that one didn't I!", is Franks responce. This gets good laughter our of the three of them.
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind - An act of kindness in trying to fix the nurses tent stoves leave Hawkeye blind. Frank litens to a game at night, and then bets eveyone on the outcome for the replay. Hawkeye does some soul searching with another blind patient. Klinger gives him a kazoo to get people attention. In the end he gets his sight back, but not before getting revenge on Frank. He does the play by play of a fake game, with the assistance of Radar, Klinger, and B.J. When the patches are taken off and Hawkeye finds the blindness over, the real score of the game is announced over the radio. Eveyone chases Frank seeking resitution.
The Nurses - A nurse gets into hot water with Margaret. This happens just before her husband, who she rarely sees, comes to camp. B.J and Hawkeye conspire to get them together. They come up with a bogus disease and place the husband in Margaret's tent. The two spend the night together, but he's caught by Margaret. When she tells her who the man is, Margaret relents. When Potter confronts everyone on the miraculous cure Margaret syas it's a private matter between her and her nurses.
Dear Sigmund - Sydney comes to the Swamp for the usual poker game. He ends up staying for two weeks due to stress from work. Hawkeye and B.J find that he's been writing Dr. Sigmund Freud. Sydney rights about the antics of the camp. The barage or practical jokes, including shoe polish on binocular lenses which puts rings around Potter's eyes. Radar falls out of the jeep he's laughing so hard. A mess tent bench with one leg half sawed off. As soon as Frank sits down the bench collapses, sending him to the floor. He tells of his view of each of the main characters.
Mulcahy's War - A patient is brought in with a self inflicted foot wound. Hawkeye sends Father Mulcahy in to talk to him. Turns out they both know the same pastor at a church in Philadelphia. The patient though won't talk to Mulcahy because the good Father has no idea what it's like. Father Mulcahy heads to the front with Radar. They end up saving a patients life on the road back. The patient hears about it and ends up talking to the good Father.
The Colonel's Horse - Potter gets a week of R&R for a second honeymoon with his wife. While he's gone his mare gets sick. B.J calls his father in law to get help. Meanwhile Margaret gets appendicitis and requests Hawkeye's help. Both girls turn out fine.
Hawk's Nightmare - Hawkeye suffers through several bad dreams and some bouts of sleepwalking. Sydney is called in. Sydney figures that the problem is just the war and that it will pass. In the end Hawkeye and Sydney play a mean game of zombie basketball.
End Run - Radar discovers that one of his hero's, a college football player from Iowa, is brought in a stretcher. The player ends up losing a leg and figures that his life is over. Radar comes to the rescue. He shows him a magazine of the game and how much he loved listening to the game. Radar helps the player see that he has more to live for.
Hepatitis - A bought of hepatitis sidelines Father Mulcahy, and Hawkeye get upset over an average surgeon in his home town. Hawkeye goes around the camp, with a bad back. He helps Margaret see more eye to eye with her mother-in-law who's not too happy with her. He also puts up with a paranoid Frank. Klinger is agitated after being put on report for fighting with Zale. He fights him all the way through the exam. B.J is reading up to perform delicate surgery. Hawkeye finally gets the entire camp examined and Potter helps him see that the average surgeon in Maine has nothing on him.
Movie Night - A lack of mail, little sleep mean low morale. Potter winds up a movie. The movie though has many splices and keeps breaking. The have a Father Mulcahy sound-alike contest and a sing-along. They sing "Army Camp" "The Surgeons in Army Camp..." and so on.
Margaret's Marriage - This is the final episode this year. At Frank's urging Donald Penobscott comes to the camp to get married to Margaret. Frank, thinking he was going to die, runs as soon as he realized that it was Mr. Penobscott. Donald catches him and asks him to be the best man. The women hold a bridal shower where she gets gifts like a back scracher. Klinger shows up in a bright dress. Margaret says that it's for ladies only. Klinger, however, gives her a wedding dress to wear. The men hold a bachelor party where everyone gets real drunk, including Radar. As a kicker they really get Donald plastered, from his chest to his toes. The wedding goes on as planned but it interupted by incoming wounded. Donald, wearing a full body cast, is left behind and falls down."