As the eleventh season begins, rumors are running rampant around camp. One rumor has everyone believing that Marilyn Monroe is going to pay the 4077 a special visit, while another claims that the peace talks are finally ma... more »king headway. This second rumor gets Margaret thinking after Charles mentions how a Los Angeles skyscraper had a time capsule built into its cornerstone. Although he thinks the idea is insane, Margaret decides to make a time capsule of her own to bury in camp. "We could put something in the ground to remind people we were here," she suggested. With Hawkeye's help, items from around camp were gathered up for the capsule: a chopper's broken fan belt, Radar's teddy bear, one of Henry Blake's fishing flies, a bottle of Charles's cognac and Father Mulcahy's boxing gloves. And finally, the gang of the 4077 hears the announcement they've been waiting for: "This is Robert Pierpoint speaking to you from nearby Panmunjom. It is one minute before ten p.m. We can still hear the sound of nearby artillery. At some point during the next few seconds, the guns should go silent, as the cease-fire officially goes into effect... There it is. That's the sound of peace."« less
Dated but classic TV with a great plotline that is fun to watch!
Movie Reviews
Final Season bowed it with Class
Randall Banks | Lansing, MI USA | 09/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season 11 left like M*A*S*H came in, with class. Though the show was completely different by the end, the show was still quality entertainment. The message and medium were radically different, but the quality was never lost. Even after 11 years M*A*S*H was still able to make you laugh, think, and cry, sometimes all in one episode. Some shows leave on crutches with lame stories and a tired cast. M*A*S*H didn't suffer that fate. That was rare 20 years ago, and even rarer today.
HEY LOOK ME OVER - Hawkeye sees nurse Kellye in a whole new light when she consoles a dying patient. Margaret, though, is putting up with a no-nonsence nurse who's giving the camp a once over.
TRICK OR TREATMENT - Halloween spooks most members as they exchange stories in O.R after a planned party is interupted by an influx of wounded. Mulcahy returns very tired after being worn out at the orphanage. He finds that there was a casualty, or so everyone thinks, when the good Father finds a tear in the soldier's eye.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Charles falls in love with a French nurse whose background concerns him. Meanwhile a North Korean prisoner is sought as a defector.
THE JOKER IS WILD - B.J, tired of hearing about Trapper's legacy as a practical joker, promises the biggest joke of all time. But, who's the real target?
WHO KNEW? - Hawkeye offeres to deliver a eulogy for a nurse that nobody knew, he dated a few times, and many didn't have good feelings for.
BOMBSHELLS - Hawkeye and Charles start a rumor, with Klinger, that Marilyn Monroe is coming to the 4077th. Word spreads like mad and almost everyone is extremely excited, including generals. B.J.s more concerned about a soldier that he had to leave for dead under fire while rescuing another.
SETTLING DEBTS - Hawkeye gets a letter from Mildred Potter, sending the Colonel into a rather paranoid streak. He places numerous phone calls to find out what's going on. Hawkeye, Charles, B.J and others set up a party for Potter's Mortgage, which was paid off early.
THE MOON IS NOT BLUE - Hawkeye and B.J try like mad to get an infamous movie to the 4077th. At the same time a visiting officer declares prohibition, including the still.
RUN FOR THE MONEY - After finding that an olympic runner is destined for the 4077th Klinger sees dollar signs and sets up bets with everyone. Everyone gets angry when it turns out the runner isn't coming. Instead it's the overweight, out of shape father of the runner. Margaret is most eager to get revenge upon a nurse from another unit.
THE U.N, THE NIGHT, AND THE MUSIC - A number of foreign dignitaries bring numerous vignets to various members. Charles meets an officer he assumes to be privledged, who's a chauffer. Margaret is infactuated with a Swedish man who has a rather delicate issue. Potter and Klinger have issues resolved an old fashioned way. Hawkeye, though, is stuck in the middle.
STRANGE BEDFELLOWS - Potter must deal with some disturbing news about his son-in-law who's visiting for a spell. Charles, meanwhile, is snoring. He denies it, keeping B.J, hawkeye awake. Eventually then entire camp yells at him, while still in denial.
SAY NO MORE - Margaret gets invited to a lecture and meeting with a doctor she admires. She ends up staying in camp with laryngitis. Hawkeye must deal with a rather calous Colonel who comes in to visit with his son who came into the 4077th in very serious condition with life in the balance.
FRIENDS AND ENEMIES - Potter must deal with a very long time friend who's behavior cost many patients their lives. B.J's ingrown toenail is a cause for aggravation when Charles gets some new records. Margaret gets a record player but no records to play. B.J conspires to stop the playing.
GIVE AND TAKE - A soldier comes in and he must deal with the man he shot who's lying next to him. He begins to question his own motives when the man was after his boots to keep his feet warm.
AS TIME GOES BY - After reading about a time capsule being in Stars and Stripes, Margaret and Hawkeye concoct a plan to build their own. This capule includes Radar's Teddy bear, a pair of boots, a dress from Klinger, a fishing lure, and a bottle of booze, which Margaret refuses to put in until Charles reminds her that it will be over 150 years old when the capsule is opened. Klinger tries to deal with a female sniper who was captured with a high powered rifle. (note: This was the final moments for everyone as G.F.A was filmed prior to this.
GOODBYE FAREWELL AND AMEN - The final episode is the most watched single show in the history of television, a record that is likely to never be broken. Nice to finally see it on DVD, and totally uncut.
Hawkeye is in a mental ward suffering from a complete breakdown after a rather disturbing bus ride after a day at the beach. Charles deals with the long delayed building of a latrine. He "captures" some North Koreans whom he fears will kill him when they reach into a motorcycle. They pull out insturments and proceed to drive Charles nuts while he tries to listen to Mozart. They play Mozart, and then he starts to train them classically.
Mulcahy must deal with possible deafness after trying to save some P.O.W's being held at the unit when the camp is shelled. B.J gets orders to go home early, which Potter says is unfair to the rest of the camp many of whom have been there longer. Potter let's him go after the entire camp, after seeing pictures of Erin, cheers at B.J's cries to be there for his daughter's second birthday. B.J leaves shortly before Hawkeye returns from his time away.
Klinger starts to have strong feelings for a Korean Woman, who was brought in as a sniper suspect, in As Time Goes By. He eventually asks her to marry him. She accepts.
Finally, after the all the wounded are finally gone, they entire camp sits down to talk about what their plans are. Potter will become semi-retired, and open the backroom as an office. Hawkeye will take over as the doctor in Crab Apple Cove. He says that after the experiences there "Being where the action is isn't all it's cracked up to be, for that neither is cracking up!" He figures that he wants to be able to talk to patients so he'll be a simple doctor in his home town. B.J says that he met this little cookie in the airport who begged him to run away with her "I figure what the heck" then says he's only kidding.
Everyone talks about getting home. Everyone, except that is, for Klinger, who's staying in Korea. Because his fiancee needs to find her family first.
Their final day together includes Klinger's marriage and lot's of tearful goodbyes, including a nice exchange between Charles and Margaret who've never really seen eye-to-eye.
All in all a great episode and I couldn't think of a better way to end the show. Klinger staying in Korea after all his attempts to get a section-8. Mulcahy, a priest, dealing with deafness. Charles facing serious issues with music after the prisoners he was working with and befriends are all killed aside from one. B.J and Hawkeye who've become the best of friends realizing that they may never see eachother again."
Did Not Know About extra discs ???
T. Mathison | Utah | 11/11/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"FIRST, I do love M*A*S*H!! I looked at the reviews regarding M*A*S*H Season 11 and was deeply disappointed to find out that Season 11, when purchased separately, does not include 2 additional discs that are sold with the new 36 disc complete set. I called FOX and left a nice but concerning message with FOX home video regarding this and requesting them to do something for us. The number for FOX home video is: 888-223-2369.
Maybe if more loyal M*A*S*H fans who have purchased all 10 Seasons of M*A*S*H called FOX Video, maybe they would make things right for all of us loyal M*A*S*H fans.
Another loyal reviewer noted the following: "Warner is doing a specatular thing with the Astaire & Rogers Ultimate collection with doing a partial set to be nice to those that bought volume 1. FOX should definitly do the same thing for the devoted M*A*S*H fans who forked over a lot of money for 4 years! Place your calls now! If they would offer at a reasonable price a partial set that includes the 36 disc box with just the DVDs for season 11 and the bonus discs and added materials, I am sure most of us would appreciate it and go for it. FOX would be a hero if they did it! Make your calls now!"
Thank you for your time~
Place your calls for FOX to make amends.
Jim | Illinois | 11/03/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you were one of us who purchased the previous 10 seasons of M*A*S*H and would like to receive the Ultimate box with season 11 and the bonus discs, call the following number and state your complaints. I called FOX video and they "claimed" that nobody has called in to complain. The number for FOX home video is: 888-223-2369. I spoke with a person by the name of Erica, the manager at the facility is Chantel. I advise that everyone call to put pressure on them to get this done. Warner is doing a specatular thing with the Astaire & Rogers Ultimate collection with doing a partial set to be nice to those that bought volume 1. FOX should definitly do the same thing for the devoted M*A*S*H fans who forked over a lot of money for 4 years! Place your calls now! If they would offer at a reasonable price a partial set that includes the 36 disc box with just the DVDs for season 11 and the bonus discs and added materials, I am sure most of us would appreciate it and go for it. FOX would be a hero if they did it! Make your calls now!"
No extras? Sigh...I just knew it
Gregory J. Bendokus | Lansford, PA United States | 11/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you've read some of my earlier season reviews, I kind of had a feeling this would happen.
I am staying calm about this for now, but if Fox knows what's good for them, they WILL make those 2 discs full of extras that are in the box set available to us. I am going to be optimistic here and predict that they will. If not, well, this is the last Fox DVD I'll be buying.
Still rated this 4 stars, as it's worth it just for the farewell episode.."
A fond farewell
Flexible_Strategies | Redlands, CA | 11/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With season eleven, we bring the Korean War to a close with the most watched television program in history. I was a huge fan of M.A.S.H. for many years, often going to the Fox Ranch and walking among the outdoor set. It was really fun to wander around that camp, exploring the tents, the big tin hospital building and the helicopter pad. In the middle of filming season 11, a huge wildfire swept through the hills and obliterated everything in it's path - including the 4077th. The tents were destroyed and the tin hospital building was for the most part melted. The writing staff wrote it into the script for the final episode, doing a fine job at that. Really, they had no choice. The hills were completely blackened. The final episode was very well done. We had seen these characters for so many years - it was such a joyous event to watch them go home. I don't think there was a single dry eye that night. The next day in the newspapers all the political cartoons showed people throwing out their television sets. Exactly."